Wendy's eyes widened when she heard that. "What do you mean?"

Gravis smiled. She had already told all her secrets to him, so why couldn't he tell her? No one was around, and Gravis could feel the Spirit of others. He also didn't believe that the upper echelon of the Wind Guild would break their promise. The only one listening was Heaven, and it already knew his background.

"This is a lower world. Above this world are the middle worlds, and above those are the higher worlds," Gravis explained. "I am from the highest world, and every world is below ours. My father is the strongest being, equal to the highest Heaven. They are enemies, and Heaven has used me to hurt my father before. That's why Heaven is my enemy and why it can't act directly against me. My father forces Heaven into a fair fight."

Wendy was shocked and couldn't process all the information she was receiving right now. There were so many worlds above this one? Also, Gravis' father was this powerful? She couldn't imagine how powerful he had to be.

Gravis smiled happily. "When Heaven tried to strike me in the Basin of Nature, my father slapped it away. That's why everything vanished. The Heaven of this lower world is nothing in my father's eyes," said Gravis with pride.

Wendy still couldn't fully believe Gravis' tale, but everything pointed to it being the truth. Why else did these things happen in the Basin of Nature? Gravis remained silent for a while, and Wendy also didn't say anything. She kept thinking about the whole situation.

After a while, Wendy smiled happily. "If Heaven is forced to fight with you fairly, then you are probably the only person who has a shot at damaging it," she looked upwards into the sky. "I am happy that my gamble and all my hardships paid off. If I gave up earlier, I would have never had the chance to change anything. This is the first time in a long while, where I'm truly happy," she said as some tears rolled down her eyes.

"Here, take this," Wendy said as she passed a jade token, as well as a piece of paper to Gravis. "This is the core of the inheritance. It's a Formation Array, and everything about it is explained in the piece of paper. You only need to use your lightning on it, and you will understand everything about it. The ascended senior took great care in keeping what the token can do a secret."

A lot of information appeared in his mind, and he completely understood why the senior kept it a secret.

"Yet, this won't stop it from working. With this, you could at least

token could block one attack. Yet, when an element was infused into it, the element would return and spell out some words in the user's mind. It was a genius way of keeping its true secret hidden.

peak. If he couldn't reach the peak, then he couldn't reach his goal. His goal was more important than his life. She also passed him a sack, which

only end in tragedy. Wendy wanted to return to her husband and take revenge for him. Her wish for revenge was transferred to Gravis, and now, only one

powerful will could stop these emotions from affecting him. He learned more about Wendy than every other person in

being revolted against the situation. He felt a genuine feeling of companionship with Wendy, and he didn't want to do it. It felt so wrong

was there? It wasn't like others forced her to go through with it. She had decided it for herself. It was her only remaining wish and her last

would blow his cover, and he would probably die. If Wendy actually wanted to keep on living, he would maybe try to find a third way, but what was the point of jeopardizing his goal, if she just decided to end her life some

Heaven was at fault for how her life went, but it was her own decision, what she would do with her life now. It

Wendy as she stood up and dusted off her robes. She took out a mirror and looked at herself. She took out some water and cleaned up every last piece of

The Energy in his head still gave him a massive headache, but he couldn't care about that right now. Anxiety, rage, frustration,

for you, but you can't give up your goal for this. I entrusted you with my revenge, and if you decide to give up, I'll haunt you," she said with a joking tone. "Also,

and grow strong. 'Maybe I am too naïve,' he thought as he looked upwards at the sky. 'Maybe it was impossible from the very beginning to have both. If I must decide between having no regret and achieving my goal, then I will choose my goal. Even if

nailed it to a tree. "This is a letter to my family. I wrote my whole story down so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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