The time passed without much talking as Gravis, and the other disciples, waited for the stronger ones. It took a couple of minutes, but then new people started arriving. The first person that came was at the eighth level of Energy Gathering, and he immediately took out a bottle of pills, ready to throw them at Gravis.


One of the disciples that had been here since the beginning grabbed the arm of the new arrival, stopping him from throwing the pills. "What?" said the new arrival but couldn't say anything further as another disciple kicked him in the stomach. He fell over, and the surrounding disciples started piling on him and kicking him while he lay on the ground.

"You idiot! Do you wish for death so much?" shouted one disciple, furiously kicking the downed one.

"I'm sure our brothers told you what happened to the previous ones! Stop seeking death, you fucking idiot!" said another one, increasing the power of his kicks. They were protecting the life of the new arrival from his own stupidity.

Meanwhile, another new arrival at the eighth level readied himself to throw his pill-bottle to Gravis.


Another hill of disciples piled onto him and, just like the previous one, started fervently kicking the downed disciple. "Fucking stop!" shouted the kicking disciples.

The downed disciples could only cry bitterly. 'That's what I want to say!' they thought as their brothers were beating them.

More disciples started arriving with their pills ready. They had heard what their brothers had told them, but who would believe such nonsense? Some guy at the sixth level of Magic Gathering was beating people two realms higher than him without breaking a sweat? Not even the geniuses of legends could do that!

Like this, nearly every new arrival got taken down to the ground as the number of beatings increased.


stupidity was unstoppable as Gravis caught five bottles of pills simultaneously. Five disciples at the eighth realm managed to throw their pills at Gravis at the same time, and the kicking disciples finally stopped as they

their disciple brothers in disdain. "You cowards don't even dare to fight someone several levels below yours. You should

the locked gates of hell!' It was already too late, and they

their weapons for intimidation and acted like they were defending their home from invaders. Yet, the "home" they were protecting was

to be quite entertaining, but he quickly focused on the five disciples standing at the front. "Alright, you can

towards Gravis. "Who do you think you are? Do you think you are Heaven's chos-… a God?" the disciple quickly corrected himself as he realized that Gravis, as a Heavenborn, was actually Heaven's chosen. "Move aside!" he shouted


Gravis didn't care if they accepted going at him at the same time. Gravis had moved his lightning across the floor until it was under the guy and then detonated it. As long as the guy didn't move, the lightning would hit. They

just been pushed looked to the one that pushed him, but his mind stopped as he only saw a


Gravis used the same attack again. Like this, only three of the five people remained. Most of the disciples at the "defending position" didn't turn around

those two explosions probably meant that two of their brothers had just died. This only strengthened their

were going wild, and the long-forgotten feeling of death

at the explosion that had just happened at his previous position. He watched the explosion in shock as he felt like he had


disciple had been fully focused on his near-death experience and hadn't watched

weapons shivered. Fear and absolute panic rampaged inside their minds. 'I'm going to die,' they thought, overwhelmed with fear. The sudden appearance of such an intense fear made them


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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