Chapter 188

Pendleton and Fergus could not afford that outcome because it would affect their potential achievements and careers in the future.

Wilbur would have to take the hit. Faye was easy to handle because she had to respect them due to their status.

Faron was finally done with his food. He wiped his mouth and walled toward the stage, knowing that it was his time to shine.

Faron strode over and yelled, “Bro, you’re here too!”

Everyone looked over, and the big shots were instantly startled, their hearts sk ipping a beat.

‘Oh my g od! Isn’t that Faron Campbell? Isn’t he the son of Orin Campbell, the most important person of Kardon Province?”

‘What did he call Wilbur? Bro? Is this a mistake?

Pendleton and Fergus were shocked too. Faron’s arrival meant trouble for them.

They could not believe Faron just called Wilbur his bro. Not many men in Kardon Province could have the honor of being recognized as a brother by Faron. Their relationship was definitely close.

hurriedly hinted at Fergus to stop the

them could

bodyguards stopped in time, and Faron got on the stage to pass Wilbur a cigarette. Then, he helped Wilbur light the cigarette and asked, “Why didn’t you

you were here either.” Wilbur played along as though they were putting up a

not recognize Faron, so Shawn barked loudly, venting his anger, “Who the hell are you? What gives you the right to interfere in

hesitation, “Shut the f*ck up, you m oron. Why the f*ck should I get your permission to talk to anyone? Who the f*ck

over and over again, so he felt like he was losing

my bodyguards? Do your jobs and

looked at each other because Fergus ordered them to stand down. “What should we do now?’ they

riled up for


they could tell Faron was there to

of Kardon Province. He does as he

called Wilbur his bro, so

Faye did that. He has an extraordinary


may be powerful, but they will not dare to challenge Faron.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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