The sight before Cadillacia did not seem to affect him at all. He wielded the axe in his grasp as he roared, "You lowly mortals dare challenge the power of the Blood God? Hand over the Blood Embryo now and repent your mistakes to the Blood God." "Yeah right!" Wilbur shouted. He drove his foot hard into the ground, shattering the concrete beneath him before attacking Cadillacia.

He zipped up to Cadillacia's left side in no time, swinging his thunder cleaver out at an unimaginable angle to hack right into Cadillacia's hip.

The immense power in the thunder cleaver let out a loud howling sound. Anyone below the Sanctuary Level would be killed outright by the attack.

At the stime, Eileen let out a loud roar as she stepped forward, leaping into the air to drive one of her burning swords into Cadillacia's chest and the other against his neck.

Constantine shouted, a bright holy flshooting out from his cuffed hands to strike Cadillacia in the head.

Cadillacia laughed wildly in the face of the attacks. He turned around, swinging his axe at Wilbur as he launched an attack on Eileen with his left fist.

Both axe and cleaver collided with a deafening sound, and Wilbur was sent flying over ten meters backward from the immense power of the blow. He caught his balance on the concrete, leaving a deep crack on the ground in his wake.

of Eileen's swords were blocked by Cadillacia's gigantic fist, and she was sent over twenty meters backward

Constantine's holy flmanaged to strike Cadillacia's

the demon's helmet. It left behind a burn mark about the size of a

Wilbur pounced forward the second he caught his balance again. His thunder cleaver overflowed with power as he zipped around Cadillacia in circles and began to rain

energy surging forth from her body as she swung her swords around and attacked once again in a series of slashes against all of Cadillacia's blind spots

never dimmed in the

strong winds whipped through the entire square.

a murderous smile, wielding his ax

held an insurmountable power and was actually enough to hold both Wilbur and Eileen down. All they could

damage to Cadillacia at all. However, Cadillacia's armor was far too strong, and

battle, Cadillacia was growing stronger and gaining momentum while Wilbur, Eileen, and Constantine had used up a great deal

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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