Chapter 632 The man glanced at Wilbur in disdain, "What's so hard about bringing you in? Do you think I, Leonard Thatcher, am that lowly in Jiara Province?" "Then I'd have to trouble you for a bit. What do you think? I'll definitely give you a gift as thanks." Leonard laughed when he heard that, looking at the girls next to him and saying proudly, " Who cares about your gift? Fine then, just give me this parking spot. As long as you're good later, I won't just bring you to the auction, I'll bring you into the Drunken Inn to expand your horizons too. What do you think?" "Thank you, then. I'll give you the spot right now." Wilbur did not hesitate to move his car away, parking somewhere further off before hurrying back.

At that moment, Leonard had already parked his car. The two girls wrapped their arms

around each of Leonard's arms.

Leonard smiled at Wilbur, "I guess you're lucky.

Not everyone can enter the Drunken Inn today.

Do you see this?" As he said that, the man flashed a small badge. There were lightning patterns all around the badge, and at the center was the vague image of a man. He held an I exaggerated sword with both hands as he I stood proudly.

‘What is this?" Wilbur asked in surprise. I Leonard gleaned at Wilbur before he said I slowly, "This is a badge from the Kardon I Province Cultivators Association. The person in itis The Divine General, Trevor Penn. Today, someone will be challenging him inside. Both of them are Sanctuary Level cultivators. It's a once-in-a-century affair. You can't enter at all if you don't have a badge." ‘Is that so? But you don't look like you're from Kardon Province. How did you get that badge?" Leonard coughed before he said in a low voice, ‘I borrowed it from one of my friends

hands on Ri "Wow, you sure are resourceful," Wilbur

did not know what to

The fact that he did not know about

his status, he did not need something like that at all, but that man

know anything." Leonard laughed out loud before he said, "It's fine. He seems like a decent man, I'll bring him in so he can look around. You know how generous

laughed as he slowly followed


they arrived at the entrance. Leonard flashed his bag, and they verified him at the entrance. However, when they saw Wilbur, they

since Wilbur remained silent, they just bowed deeply and did not dare to

said proudly, "See how impressive my friend's badge is?" It was obvious that Leonard thought that the badge was the cause of it, and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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