Chapter 648 Wilbur chuckled. "It's fine. I will tell you if I am interested in something. Will you bid for me then?" "You brat." Leonard laughed and turned on his laptop. After working for a while, he said proudly, "I've transferred a hundred million to the organizer. I'm going to teach Amon a I lesson tonight." "Leonard, what are the procedures for this auction? It sounds exciting," Wilbur asked.

Leonard chuckled and lit a cigar. "There will be rare herbs showing in this auction each year.

These herbs are usually ones that grew for thousands of years. Cultivators risk their lives I to gather these herbs for the auction, so the prices can go extremely high. Everyone fights over the herbs to produce high-quality medicine, and also to show off their wealth." "I see." Wilbur nodded.

"If you are interested, go walk around the market. I need to get some rest. It's going to

be an exciting night," Leonard said.

Wilbur agreed and stood, as he was desperate to go outside and explore.

as he went downstairs, he saw Leonard step into

wandering around. I I As expected of a city known for its pharmaceutical business, there

much surprise as the most valuable herb he could find in the market had only grown up to a hundred years, which was far

find anything he wanted, returned to the Royal Hall of

inside the room and he thought in resignation, "Did they not need to eat at all?" With no other options, he could only

door to Leonard's room and knocked. "Mister Thatcher, the auction is starting. We should get going."

to earn a fortune from this trip considering how generous Leonard was. They might just

new friend, Wilbur. You can both get to know each other," Leonard

and shook Catelyn's hand.

as to why Leonard would sleep around when he had so many beautiful

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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