Bruce turned purple in the face as he- Stared atthe pill unbe to get a word.

Even a layman would be able to el the.

difference between the two Spiritual ils “There was nothing Bruce could sa, be t in defenseorin denial.

‘Me other businessmen and cultivators stared at Wilbur dumbly, unable to believe that this alchemist was so young, He was young, and he had made sucha perfect Spiritual PIL. no, ten Spiritual Pils in one gol This man was practically a genius.

Ella's master could hardly compare to Wilbur, let alone Eliam hime Ellam, Jon, Amon, and the rst urmed to lookat Bruce amidst their shock, waiting forhim to say something,

twas clear that Wilbur had proven himself and he had not been exaggerating about his sills i the.

slightest Now that the Spiritual Fill were complted, it was time to judge the Flecceflower was actually eal o not.

the tut got out, ther reputations wouldbe destroyed, and Leonard would get outof his safely All of their efforts would

Bruce knew very well that the authenticity of the Fleeceflower ould not

Pill in his and. "How dare you embarrass yourself with a defect lke this

crowd wih a stony expression, The rest of the room as n shock. Bruce had just told a bold-faced le, inadvertently admitting that the Fleeceflower was ike Leonard could hardly believe his cas, He

of the Edo Four were cahoots, but Bruce

his mind go blank To think thatthe chairman

vas agape

planned. The Fleceflower was right there, but he was sternly reusing to

wrong with the Fleceflower, and Bruce was stopping Wilbur from fining out what it was = Bruce was going o

going to

Eliam to take Wilbur down with the excuse of the Sprit) pills

As long as the Fleeceflower was destroyed after his, there would be io tangibie proof for anyone to do anything o him. [casa shameless move, but the world was filled with shameless people: Just then, Eliam had made bs way up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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