Chapter 672 I It was past eleven at night when Wilbur ~~ glanced at his watch.

He finished meditating and got in his car, I driving to Seecher Hotel.

Faye's words had hardly affected him at all.

Wilbur had built Cape on his own, and I there was no way someone else was going to have their way with it just like that.

Regardless of who it was, anyone would be thick in the head to think they could mess with him.

What Wilbur was curious about now was why Shelby had invited him out to lunch at the banquet hall in Seecher Hotel.

Was there an event of sorts going on? That should not be the case. Shelby and her friends were still students. What

, event could they possibly be attending in a banquet hall? ) I The thought of Whitney being there gave Wilbur a headache.

He did not understand why this young lady had such a vendetta against him, but it sure was annoying. { He would have given her a piece of his mind a long time ago if it had not been for Shelby.

all the way to the hotel and took the elevator up to the

in the middle of the hall, wearing a

Celine were standing in front of a cake that was the height

seen a cake

in a tailored suit. She "giggled from time to time, looking like she was having a blast. EF There were three other men next to the

would drift to Shelby and her friends from time to

girls were young and full of energy, and they

Whitney finished chatting with the man and came up to Shelby and the rest with

don't know how you managed to meet all

as well. "Shane's young and rich. He spent a lot of

few hundred million dollars; so I I guess he'll do." There

would get me the same thing for less y work. Why should I do things the

Wilbur here

"He should be

him to come

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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