Chapter 47

However, Jeremy bowed to Wilbur deeply. “I thank you for your kindness, Senior, and I deeply regret my actions. Let me send you a gift as an apology.”

“Oh?” Wilbur was a little surprised.

Jeremy looked around him. “The Owens family owns this island. I’ve underestimated and offended you. I’d like to offer you this island as a gift as an apology.”

“You’re giving this island to me?” Wilbur had honestly not expected this, and he looked at Jeremy in surprise. “This place must cost good money.”

Jeremy bowed again. “I’m sure money is hardly a problem to you, Senior. This is just a little gift from me, I hope you’ll accept it.”

Wilbur fell silent for some time before saying slowly, “Since you offered, don’t mind if I do.”

“Thank you for accepting this, Senior. I’ll arrange for the transfer of the property as soon as possible. It’ll be yours very soon,” Jeremy said.

Wilbur nodded, then turned to leave.

Jeremy called out behind him, “From this day on, the Owens family shall take any order that you may have, Senior.”

Gerard and Matt heard that and hurried to bow to Wilbur as well.

*Gerard Torrent of the Torrent clan at your service, Senior.”

clan at your service, Senior,”

but continued

up as he let out a long

Owens family had really met their match this time.

small fry himself. After all, he had made it as the

readjusted his mindset

on earth, with power that

not beat him, they

their side, the clan’s power would only grow

Jeremy decided to give Sealake Island to Wilbur,

to apologize, but also a gesture of

not turn him down, Jeremy was sure that he would be

his own sincerity.

what Jeremy was thinking

shown their loyalty too, volunteering to follow Wilbur’s

naturally had to cling to

a silver lining to even the darkest cloud. This incident started out as a tragedy, but we just might


turns out

had not touched the food on the table at all, and it was still steaming.

asked, ‘Why haven’t

relieved at the sight of Wilbur coming home safe, and she greeted him happily.

lightly, taking off his shoes and sitting down at the dining table with Faye.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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