Chapter 94
Cindy was in anguish, with tears streaming uncontrollably down her cheeks.
She was supposed to have a bright future, but her greed caused her to be taken advantage of, then fired from her company. She was truly at rock bottom.
Yet, she had done all of that to herself. The fault was hers alone.
Wilbur got to his feet and said to Nancy. “You stay and comfort her first. Il be on my way.”
Nancy nodded silently, knowing that the lunch was over. It would be awkward if Wilbur stayed any longer. That was the only thing he could do.
Wilbur glanced at Cindy and sighed. He then went to the counter and paid the bill before leaving.
Wilbur could still feel his heart aching over the bill on his way home.
18,000 dollars! He had never been that lavish with his money before.
Just as Wilbur was agonizing over that, he brought his car to a stop over the bridge. The car in front of him came to a complete stop. There seemed to be a traffic jam.

All Wilbur could do was wait in the car, bored out of his mind.
Not long after that, a cry and the sound of someone running could be heard coming from the front.
Confused, Wilbur got out of the car to have a look.
He walked for a little over ten meters and saw a man in his thirties standing in the middle of the bridge. He was wielding a sharp knife, waving it around wildly as he cursed and shouted like a madman.
The people in the cars around were scared out of their wits, causing them to get out of their cars and run
for their lives.
Wilbur frowned. The man continued to thrash about wildly, shouting crazily.
“Give me back my money! Give me back my company! You b astard!!! kill you!”
The man’s eyes were bloodshot, and he seemed to have completely lost his mind as he was oblivious to the people around him.
Just then, the man spotted a couple with a child in the midst of their escape and charged toward them at
The sight made several people in the crowd scream.
It was dangerous to run into a psy cho like this.
Just then, Wilbur ran up in front of the man to cut him off and shouted, “Stop it!”
The shout seemed to have struck the man like lightning, rendering him motionless for a while,
The family took the opportunity to flee, disappearing into the crowd.
The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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