Chapter 103

The rock that Wilbur was pointing to was just for decor. The crowd wondered what was going on in his mind, trying to buy something like that. How could a rock like that be worth anything at all?

Even the shop owner was confused. “Young man, this is just a decor item. It’s not a rock to bet on. You must be mistaken.”

Wilbur said. “Yes, but you sell rocks, don’t you? This is a rock right here, so give me a price.”


“Uhm… The shop owner was a little conflicted. He had never experienced anything like this before and was at a loss for how to respond.

Kenji smiled all of a sudden. “What’s this? Are you telling me that a rock like this could have a piece of jade in it, buddy?”

“And what if it does Wilbur replied with a smile.

The crowd shook their heads. Wilbur was truly getting out of hand here.

If any random rock could have a piece of jade in it, the rocks in the rivers would be all gone

Kenji chuckled as he looked at Wilbur “You seem pretty confident. Why don’t we make a bet?‘

What’s the bet?” Wilbur asked.

it low. How about one million dollars? Kenji replied

like Kenji would think that was a low amount.

at Wilbur, curious to see how he would respond.

tell me what we are

“If this rock here holds any trace of jade at all,

Wilbur accepted with a

the shop owner at once. “How much for this rock?

owner was a little nervous. These two men were obviously competing, now, especially Kenji. He

earlier, but he had


just crazy to

owner chose to play dumb, not wanting

“Well, this rock was just supposed to be decor anyway. How about I give it to you

silently approved of the

that. Cut

a few of his staff members got to work

over to Inok Everyone knew that there was no way there would be jule

guy was going

gotten mis Kroji’s bad side, and now he was going to have to pay up a million

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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