Tap! Tap! Tap!

Zhou Mingrui reeled back in fear at the sight that greeted him. It was as though the person in the dressing mirror was not himself, but a dessicated corpse.

How could a person with such grievous wounds be still alive!?

He turned his head in disbelief again and checked the other side. Even though he was a distance away and the lighting was poor, he could still see the penetrating wound and dark red blood stains.


Zhou Mingrui drew a deep breath as he tried hard to calm himself.

He reached out to press his left chest and sensed his racing heart that exuded immense vitality.

He then touched his exposed skin. Beneath the slight coldness was flowing warmth.

When he squatted down and after verifying that his knees could bend, Zhou Mingrui stood up again and calmed down.

“What’s happening?” he muttered with a frown. He planned to inspect his head injury seriously once more.

He took two steps forward and suddenly paused. The moonlight of the sanguine moon was relatively dark, so it was insufficient for his ‘serious inspection.’

A memory fragment triggered as Zhou Mingrui turned his head to look at the grayish-white pipes and the metallic-gridded lamp on the wall right beside the study desk.

This was the most common gas lamp of the times. Its flame was stable and its illumination capabilities were excellent.

With Klein Moretti’s family situation, even a kerosene lamp was a dream, much less a gas lamp. Using candles was most apt for their standing and stature. However, back when he burned the midnight oil four years ago to be admitted into Khoy University, his elder brother, Benson, felt that it was an important matter which their family’s future depended upon. Therefore, he insisted on creating conducive studying conditions for Klein even if it meant taking on debt.

Of course, Benson, who was literate and had worked for several years, was not a rash person who did not think of the consequences. He had quite some tricks up his sleeve. He reasoned with the landlord to ‘raise the apartment’s standards by installing gas pipes to improve the likelihood of rentals in the future.’ The landlord was convinced and provided the money to complete the basic modifications. Then, using the convenience of working at an import and export company, he purchased a brand new gas lamp which was nearly at cost price. In the end, all he needed was to use his savings and did not need to borrow money.

After the memory fragment flashed past his mind, Zhou Mingrui came to the desk where he turned the pipe’s valve and began twisting the gas lamp’s switch.

With a sputtering sound, a spark sounded from friction. Light did not descend upon Zhou Mingrui as he had expected.

He twisted the switch a few more times, but all the gas lamp did was sputter and remain dark.

“Hmm…” Retracting his hand and pressing on his left temple, Zhou Mingrui sought for the reason by rummaging through his memory fragments.

walked toward the door. He arrived at the

was a gas

Mingrui took out a coin

and had a bronze shimmer to it. The front of the coin was engraved with a portrait of a crown-wearing

had other denominations such as the five pence, a halfpence and a quarterpence. Despite the three types, the denominations were not in small-enough units. In everyday life, one had to buy several different things just to spend a single

was only minted and circulated after King George III ascended to the throne—a few times,

Clink! Clang!

the bottom of the meter, the sound of grinding gears sounded immediately, producing a

for a few seconds before returning to the burly wood desk. He then reached out to twist the

sputtering, there was a sharp

rapidly grew. Bright light first occupied the internals of the wall lamp before penetrating the

felt at ease for a baffling reason as he quickly came in front of the dressing

he seriously inspected his temple and did not

It appeared like it had received the best hemostasis and bandaging. As for the slowly squirming grayish-white brain and the discernible growth of flesh and blood around the wound, it meant that

restorative effects that transmigration brings?” Zhou Mingrui curled up the right corner of his mouth as he muttered

a long sigh.

out a tiny piece of soap. He took one of the old and tattered towels hanging by the side of the cupboard and opened the door. He then walked to the public bathroom which was shared by the tenants on

a crime scene. It’s fine scaring myself, but

by the crimson moonlight from the window at the end of the corridor. They looked like a pair

he walked towards the communal bathroom with a

see everything clearly. Zhou Mingrui stood in front of a wash basin and turned the

of water, he suddenly

vest, and a black

and striking the bathroom’s door, shouting things like ‘Darn thief,’ ‘Wastage is a shameless matter,’ ‘I’ll remember you,’ ‘If I see this happen another time, scram along with your filthy luggage,’ ‘Mark my words, this is the most value-for-money apartment in Tingen City. You will not find a more

thoughts, Zhou Mingrui used a moist towel to clean the blood stains from his face again

hideous wound and a pale face did Zhou Mingrui relax. Then,

his brows and recalled of a

was too much blood. Apart from

few minutes later, he briskly returned to his apartment with a moist towel. He first wiped the blood handprint on the desk and then, using

that quite a substantial amount of blood had splattered onto the floor beneath the desk. And there was a yellow bullet to the left side of

a round with a revolver pointed at the temple?” After mixing and matching the clues from before, Zhou Mingrui

stains and cleaned up the ‘scene.’ Following that, he took the bullet and returned to the

a cartridge shell all

cartridge shell in front of him and stuffed the rounds back into the

landed on the notebook’s words: ‘Everyone will die, including me.’ Following that, even more questions

the gun

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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