A wave of tumultuous emotions rose up in Klein’s heart after he heard Dunn. Instinctively, he uttered, “Why?”

The Beyonders have serious hidden dangers? So much so that the Church’s internal Judiciary and the Beyonders, who dealt with bizarre phenomenon, are also prone to problems?

Dunn stepped into the carriage and sat back in his seat. His expression and tone remained the same.

“This is not something that you need to understand. Neither is it something you can understand, unless you become one of us.”

Klein was struck dumb for a moment, after which he sat down and questioned in a tone that was half dubious and half-joking.

“If I don’t come to understand, how is it possible for me to make a decision to join?”

And not joining would mean Klein could not understand. This would end in a deadlock…

Dunn Smith took out the pipe once again, placed it against his nose, and took a whiff.

“You probably misunderstood; a civilian staff member is also one of us.”

“In other words, as long as I become one of your civilian staff members, I will be able to understand the relevant secrets, figure out the hidden dangers that plague Beyonders, and the dangers that may be encountered, as well as consider whether I want to become a Beyonder later?” Klein reorganized his thoughts and paraphrased what Dunn had shared.

Dunn smiled and said, “Yes, that is the case, except for one point. You cannot simply become a Beyonder just because you want to because every church will be equally strict in this aspect.”

It would be odd if the churches were not strict… Klein lampooned silently, as he added with a more intense tone coupled with stronger body language, “What about civilian staff members? This should be quite strict as well, right?”

“There shouldn’t be any problems if it’s you,” said Dunn with half-closed eyelids as he whiffed the pipe with partially relaxed countenance. However, he did not ignite it.

“Why?” Klein asked as he was once again grappled by doubt.

At the same time, he jested inwardly.

So my uniqueness and halo as a transmigrator are akin to the fireflies in the night, ever so bright and outstanding?

opened his half-closed eyelids, his silver-colored eyes reflecting the same tranquility as

situation. Certain exceptional qualities are not present in others. For instance, luck. Lucky people

Klein’s expression had turned

a graduate of the history department from Khoy University; this is something we urgently need. Although a believer of the Lord of the Storms, Leumi, perceives women in a way that is loathsome, his views regarding

objects from the Fourth Epoch or earlier. Many cults and heretics have

that age.” Having said that, Dunn Smith pointed to his own head, and

“Those dry, boring knowledge always puts us to sleep. Even the Sleepless can’t help it. In the past, we would cooperate with historians or archaeologists, but this posed the risk of exposing secrets, and mishaps might befall on these otherwise uninvolved professors and associate professors. Thus, the addition of a professional in our ranks

all over the place, he asked, “Then why don’t you directly, um, groom

to the third point, which is also the final and most important point. You’ve already been through a similar ordeal, so inviting

responsibility of exposure if it fails. Most of our

more people and increasing awareness lessen the chances of a similar mistake

people emulating these acts, creating more chaos and more severe incidents,” Dunn Smith shook his head

only lesson that humans can learn from history is that humans do not gain any

Emperor Roselle is indeed filled with much philosophical

really did not give the ‘latecomers’ any chance to posture… Klein did not know how to follow up on

dim yellowish light of the street

a similar discourse within the judiciary of the major churches. This may be the main reason for the strict confidentiality and the prohibition of ordinary people from

is it?” Klein asked as his interest was piqued,

pulled themselves so slightly that it was

troubles. More faith and more fear bring more troubles, until

he said that, Dunn signed, “Besides praying for the blessings and help from gods, humans can’t

More faith and more fear bring more troubles…” Klein recited silently, but he could not

of uncertainty that came from the unknown. It was like the dark shadows formed by the street lights outside. In the darkness without light,

the horse carriage reeled on ahead with Iron Cross Street in sight, Dunn broke

join us as a

He contemplated and

he could not hastily and recklessly make

a secret and don’t disclose the information regarding Welch to anyone, including your brother and sister. Once this is violated, it’ll not only bring them trouble, but you might also have to attend a special

“Okay,” Klein answered gravely.

once again plunged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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