“Okay.” Klein bowed slightly as he wore his short top hat again. However, his mind was preoccupied with how Sealed Artifact 0-08 looked.

It appears to be just your everyday quill?

It writes without ink?

Then, what is its actual use? What makes it classified at the highest level of confidentiality that it’s deemed Extremely Dangerous?

Can it be a pen that kills anyone whose name is written?

No, that would be way too heaven-defying. Ince Zangwill wouldn’t need to escape and hide away if that were the case…

Just as Klein turned around to leave, Dunn suddenly shouted out to him.

“Hold on. I forgot something.”

“What?” Klein turned his head; his eyes puzzled.

Dunn put back his pocket watch and said with a smile, “Later, remember to visit the accountant, Mrs. Orianna, and get an advance payment of four weeks—a total of twelve pounds. After that, you’ll earn half your salary every week until the difference is covered.”

“That’s too much. There’s no need for this, the amount should be reduced,” said Klein subconsciously.

He had no objection towards an advanced payment. After all, he didn’t even have the money needed to pay for the public horse carriage trip home. However, to receive twelve pounds at once left him a little afraid.

“No, it’s necessary,” said Dun as he shook his head and smiled. “Think about it. Do you still wish to continue living in your present apartment? One that needs you to share a bathroom with so many other tenants? Even if you aren’t taking yourself into consideration, think about the lady. Besides…”

He paused when he saw Klein nod in agreement. He smiled and sized up Klein’s garbs and said with a meaningful intent, “Besides, you need a cane, and you should buy a new suit.”

Klein was taken aback for a second before snapping back to reality. His face immediately burned with embarrassment since the suit he was wearing was cheap and of inferior quality.

Typically, a top hat was made of silk, costing five to six soli. A bow tie was three soli, a walking cane inlaid with silver was seven to eight soli, a shirt was three soli, while pants, a vest, and tuxedo were around seven pounds in total. Leather boots were nine to ten soli. As such, an entire suit cost more than eight pounds and seven soli. Of course, to be a presentable gentleman, one needed a watch chain, a pocket watch, and a wallet.

Back then, the original Klein and Benson scrimped and saved before managing to save up a pool of money. When they went to a clothing store to check the price, they ended up running off without even bothering to try haggling. They each bought a set at a bargain shop near Iron Cross Street for a total of less than two pounds.

It was also because of that incident that original Klein had a deep impression of the prices of clothes.

“O-Okay,” Klein stammered a reply.

He was like the original Klein. He was someone who cared about his appearance.

Dunn took out the pocket watch again and clicked it open to take a glance at it.

“Perhaps you should find Mrs. Orianna first? I know you’ll spend quite some time at Old Neil’s while Mrs. Orianna will likely be returning home soon.”

“Alright.” Klein was acutely aware of his state of poverty and did not object to it.

Dunn returned to the table’s side and pulled at a few hanging ropes as he said, “I’ll get Rozanne to bring you there.”

The ropes began their operation as the gears ground, producing a chime from a bell at the reception area of Blackthorn Security Company. When Rozanne heard it, she hurriedly stood up and carefully made her way down.

It did not take long before she appeared in front of Klein again.

Dunn said humorously, “I did not disturb your rest, right? Oh, bring Moretti to Mrs. Orianna.”

Rozanne secretly curled her lips as she answered ‘happily—’

“Alright, Captain.”


get his advance payment from finance, isn’t there a need to get an approval letter from the Captain? Shouldn’t you

returned with a

signature to claim an advance payment from Mrs. Orianna?” Klein tried his best

no need. Rozanne is enough proof.” Dunn pointed at the

zero management of our finances… Klein resisted his urge to deliver a sarcastic comment before turning to leave

moment, he heard Dunn

There’s still another

at once? Klein turned back with


temple and said, “When you meet

bullets?” Klein returned

to turn it in.” Dunn inserted a single hand into his pocket and said, “With the demon hunting bullets, if you were to face with an paranormal danger, you will be able

the final sentence… Just as Klein was vexing over the problem, he answered without any hesitation, “Alright. I’ll remember

require me to write a formal document. Wait a moment.” Dunn sat down and

Captain.” Klein received it

back before

“Hold on.”

one more

do you have the symptoms of dementia? Klein squeezed out

opportunity when you are out to go to the street corner—the underground shooting range at No. 3 Zouteland Street. Most of it belongs to the police department, but there is one that is specially for

think lightly of it.”

fearful of danger, yearned to visit the

steps towards the exit before carefully turning around

“No.” Dunn nodded firmly.

he had the strong urge to turn around to ask another, “Are you sure there’s

and finally left the Keeper

a better memory than him. Of course, he only forgets the trivial stuff. Yea, trivial

the stairwell and returned to the upper floor. He found Mrs.

flounce lace dress. She appeared in her thirties and had fashionable curly hair. Her pair of green eyes were clear and smiling, and she seemed

Rozanne repeat Dunn Smith’s instructions, she took out a note and wrote

here. Do you have a seal? If


are lucky. We have enough cash today. By the way, Klein, were you invited by Captain because you were involved in a paranormal activity and the fact

impeccable intuition.” Klein was not stingy with his

patterns printed on them. After locking the safe, she turned around and

had a similar experience


a frenzy sixteen

Butcher? My mother often used that matter

pound denominations. All of them

the middle of them was Loen Kingdom’s fifth king, George III’s direct ancestor, Henry Augustus I. He wore a white hair band above his rotund face. His eyes were slender and he had an abnormally serious expression. However, Klein felt an

was a

four weeks of

figure had a thick mustache and a firm gaze. While he was in power, he freed the Loen Kingdom from the shackles

all ‘good kings…’ Klein could faintly smell the notes’ ink that elated

if the Nighthawks had not come in time, I would have been the sixth victim.” Mrs. Orianna’s tone still hinted at a sense

the paper notes and placed it in an inner pocket of his suit. Then, he

killed even more before that. The reason why he was captured was because he was preparing

Orianna for making you recall such unpleasant

After that incident, I’ve been here ever since. Alright, I’ll stop keeping you from what you should do.

his hat and bowed before leaving the office. Before he went downstairs, he

right. It did

Knock! Knock! Knock!

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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