The sky outside was gradually dyed golden as Klein looked into Melissa’s eyes. He was momentarily at a loss for words; none of the lines he prepared could be used.

He coughed lightly twice as he quickly racked his brains.

“Melissa, this isn’t a waste of salary. In the future, my colleagues, as well as Benson’s colleagues might visit. Are we going to host them in such a place? When Benson and I get married and have wives, are we still going to sleep in bunk beds?”

“None of you have fiancées yet, right? We can wait a little while and save up more money in the meantime,” answered Melissa in a logically concise manner.

“No, Melissa. This is a societal rule.” Klein was stumped and could only count on lofty principles. “Since I’m earning three pounds a week, I should look like I’m earning three pounds a week.”

To be honest, having rented an apartment before with others, Zhou Mingrui was no stranger to his present living conditions as Klein. He was very used to it, but it was because of his past experience that he knew how inconvenient such an environment was for a girl. Furthermore, his goal was to become a Beyonder and study mysticism to find his way home. In the future, he was bound to conduct some magical rituals at home. Having too many people in the apartment building made incidents prone to happen.

Klein saw that Melissa was about to continue arguing, and hurriedly added, “Don’t worry. I’m not planning to get a bungalow, but probably a terrace. Basically, it has to have a bathroom we can call ours. Also, I like Mrs. Smyrin’s bread, Tingen biscuits, and lemon cakes too. We can first consider places near Iron Cross Street and Daffodil Street.”

Melissa pouted her lips slightly and fell silent for a moment before nodding slowly.

“Besides, I’m in no rush to move either. We have to wait for Benson to return,” said Klein with a chuckle. “We can’t have him be shocked when he opens the door to find nothing, right? Imagine him saying in astonishment—’Where are my things? Where are my siblings? Where’s my home? Is this my home? Did I make a mistake? Goddess, wake me up if this is a dream. Why is my home gone after a few days of absence!?'”

His mimicking of Benson’s tone made Melissa involuntarily smile as her eyes scrunched up and revealed her shallow dimples.

“No, Mr. Franky would definitely be waiting by the door to get Benson to hand over the apartment keys. Benson wouldn’t even be able to come up.” The girl disparaged the miserly landlord.

In the Moretti household, all of them would like to make Mr. Franky the butt of their jokes for every trivial and major matter. It was all thanks to Benson who initiated this practice.

“Right, there’s no way he would switch locks for the tenants after us,” Klein echoed with a smile. He pointed at the door and quipped, “Miss Melissa, shall we head to Silver Crown Restaurant for a celebration?”

Melissa sighed gently and said, “Klein, do you know Selena? My classmate and my good friend?”

Selena? An image of a girl with wine-red hair and deep brown eyes surfaced in Klein’s mind. Her parents were Evernight Goddess believers. They had named her after St. Selena as a blessing. She was not yet sixteen, and was half a year younger than Melissa. She was a happy, cheerful, and outgoing lady.

“Yes.” Klein nodded in affirmation.

“Her elder brother, Chris, is a lawyer. He currently earns close to three pounds a week as well. His fiancée works part time as a typist,” described Melissa. “They have been engaged for more than four years. To ensure a decent and stable life after marriage, they are still saving money to this very day. They have yet to go down the wedding aisle and plan to wait for at least another year. According to Selena, there are many people like her brother. They typically get married after twenty-eight. You have to be make advanced preparations and save up. Don’t squander your money.”

at a restaurant. Is there a need to preach at me… Klein was rendered at a loss whether to laugh or cry. After a few seconds of thought,

example, what if that security company suddenly closes down? I have a classmate whose father’s company went bankrupt. He had to find temporary work at the pier and their living conditions turned terrible instantly. She had no choice

cover his face. “T-that security company and the government… Yes, has some connections with the government. It will not easily close

power changes, many people will have their positions stripped off. It turns into a mess.” Melissa retorted in

found the humor in his exasperation as

beef, a small bottle of butter, and a cup of malt beer for me. Anyway, there

sold items by hawkers on Iron Cross Street. A piece of pan-fried fish was six to eight pence; a not-so-big piece of black-peppered beef was five pence; a cup of malt beer was a penny; and a bottle of butter

he was no stranger to the prices. Klein did a mental estimate that Melissa would need

Klein’s proposal. She put down her

food before briskly walking to the door, Klein thought for a moment and shouted out to her. “Melissa, use the remaining money to buy

many hawkers on Iron Cross Street who would buy low-quality or expiring fruits from other places. The residents were not outraged about this because the prices were extremely cheap. They could taste the

took a few brisk steps forward and took out the remaining copper pennies from

brown eyes looked at

steps back and smiled. “Remember to go to Mrs. Smyrin’s. Reward yourself with

widened as she blinked. Finally, she said a single

the door, and ran

the land, with cedar and maple trees lining the banks; the air so fresh, it was

interview, had his revolver with him. He held his cane and paid six pence for the public carriage. He walked down a cemented path and approached a three-story stone

truly worthy of being one of the two major universities of the Loen Kingdom…” With

to Tingen University, Khoy University right across the river could only be



the Khoy

to finance

Klein stopped and looked into the distance before

in another week since school would

He entered after successfully registering himself and easily found his

knocked lightly on the half-closed

A man’s voice

a white shirt and black tuxedo frowned

Stone, do you still remember me? I’m a student of Senior Associate Professor Cohen, Klein Moretti. You have read my recommendation letter before.” Klein smiled as he

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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