Klein tried his best to remain his usual self as he asked with genuine interest, “What abilities do Seers have?”

“Your question is inaccurate; the question should be, ‘what abilities does consuming the Seer potion give?'” Dunn Smith shook his head and chuckled. His gray pupils and face turned away from the moon as his features hid in the shadows. “There are many kinds of things involved—astromancy, cartomancy, spiritual pendulums, and scrying. Of course, it does not mean that consuming the potion will immediately allow you to grasp all of them. The potion only equips you with the qualifications and ability to learn it.

“As they lack direct means of fighting enemies, heh. You can probably imagine that setting up a magical ritual requires a lot of preparation. It’s not suitable for combat. Therefore, in terms of knowledge of mysticism, a Seer will be more learned and professional than a Mystery Pryer.”

It sounds like it matches my requirements as well… However, the lack of means to directly deal with enemies is quite a dilemma… Furthermore, the Church of the Evernight Goddess likely doesn’t have the subsequent Sequences… The Holy Cathedral likely refers to the headquarters, the Cathedral of Serenity… The means available to low-Sequence Beyonders against their enemies might not be comparable to firearms… Klein fell into deep thought as he racked his brains. He kept going back and forth between Mystery Pryers and Seers. He no longer considered Corpse Collector.

Dunn Smith smiled when he saw this.

“You don’t have to rush into a decision. Tell me your answer Monday morning. Regardless of your choice of Sequence or giving up this opportunity, none of us from the Nighthawks would have any other thoughts on the matter.

“Calm down and ask your heart.”

With that said, he took off his hat and bowed slightly. He slowly walked past Klein and headed for the stairwell.

Klein did not say a word and did not immediately reply. He silently bowed and watched as Dunn left.

Although he was constantly hoping to become a Beyonder previously, he was thrown into a dilemma when the opportunity arose; the subsequent missing Sequences, Beyonders having the risk of losing control, the believability of Emperor Roselle’s diaries, and the illusory murmurs that could corrupt people into madness all mixed together and formed a moat that obstructed his advancement.

He took a deep breath and slowly breathed out.

“No matter how bad it is, it can’t be worse than making an eighteen-year-old high-school student decide on his future career…” Klein gave a self-deprecating chuckle. Gathering his scattered thoughts, his opened the door softly and laid back on the bed.

He laid there with his eyes open, silently looking at the bottom of the top bunk that was dyed with the faint crimson of the moon.

A drunkard staggered outside the window as a carriage sped down the empty streets. These noises did not break the serenity of the night but instead made it even darker and more distant.

Klein’s emotions settled down as he recalled his past on Earth. He recalled how he liked exercising, his father who always spoke loudly, his mother who enjoyed busying herself despite having a chronic disease, his friends who grew up with him, going from playing sports like soccer and basketball to games and mahjong, as well as the person he made a failed confession to… These were like a silent river; it did not have many ripples or deep sentimental feelings, but it silently drowned his heart.

Perhaps one will only learn to cherish things after they have lost them. When the crimson receded and the sky turned golden-yellow from the flaming ball’s illumination, Klein had made his choice.

one-soli note to Mrs. Wendy’s to buy eight pounds of

has begun stabilizing…” He commented after breakfast as

so both he and Melissa finally had the chance

and flipping through the outdated newspapers he brought back from yesterday. He said in surprise, “There’s a house for rent here: North Borough’s 3 Wendel Street, a bungalow with two floors. There are six bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two big balconies upstairs. Downstairs, there’s a dining hall, a living room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and two guest rooms, as well as an underground cellar… In

in newspapers is usually a little too expensive. The Tingen City Housing Improvement Company has options that do not pale

Class?” Melissa walked out from her room holding an old, veiled hat. She had changed into a grayish-white long

silent and introverted, but that could

Benson laughed.

the Working Class?” Jenny? Mrs. Rochelle? Or is it from your

to the side and whispered

interview and I told her roughly what happened. Then, she

expression and shook his head

is that they are a housing association for the lower strata of society. They build and renovate houses

better than lower-middle class, but we still quite worse off than true middle-class families. It’s not a matter of salary; it’s just that we did not

away the newspaper. Picking up his top hat, he

“Then, let’s set off.”

Housing Improvement Company is on Daffodil Street,” Benson said as he opened the door. “They are like

Klein raised his cane and walked to

black hair that reached

requesting donations from charitable foundations. Two, through funding proposals. They receive grants from the government’s commission at a special

down the stairs and slowly walked toward Daffodil Street. They decided to confirm a place before talking to their present landlord, Mr. Franky. They did not want to be in

are housing improvement companies that are purely run as charities?”

Benson chuckled.

money to establish. He builds apartments targeted for the working class. He also provides dedicated estate management

aren’t fond of the idea?” Klein

giving hope. It’s not very pragmatic. For instance, tenants have to receive the main vaccines and they have to take turns cleaning the bathroom. They are unable to sublease their apartments or

creased his


Melissa nodded in

cocked his head and looked at

too well that you have not seen actual poverty. Do you think they would have the money for

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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