Leonard’s singing sounded like a lullaby as it lightly resounded through the doors and into the winding wooden stairwell.

Klein’s mind immediately turned torpid. He felt like he saw a silent moonlight and serene rippling lake.

His eyelids rapidly turned heavy as if he were about to fall asleep standing.

Amid these indistinct sensations, he also felt a strange, formless, and indifferent focus on his back. It felt like he was wandering the spirit world himself.

A baffling sense of déjà vu suffused as Klein suddenly found his train of thought once again. With his strong spiritual perception and extreme familiarity with Cogitation, he barely escaped the influence of the Midnight Poem.

However, he remained serene and could hardly evoke any emotions.

Soon, Leonard stopped singing as he turned his head with a smile.

“I’m considering asking Captain’s permission to apply for a Feynapotter lute. How can there not be an accompaniment when singing?

“Heh heh, I’m just kidding. I can hear them asleep.”

The black-haired, green-eyed Nighthawk with his poetic vibe took a stride forward and walked to the door that separated them from the kidnappers and hostage.

He suddenly moved his shoulder and threw a punch at the door’s lock.


The wooden board around the lock shattered in a muffled manner.

“This requires precise control.” Leonard turned his head and smiled. He then reached his hand into the hole and opened the door.

Klein, who had regained consciousness, was not as confident as him. He reached under his armpit, drew his revolver, and turned the cylinder, making sure that he could shoot at a moment’s notice.

As the door swung back, he saw a man sleeping on a table with a gun by his feet. Another man was rubbing his eyes in a daze while trying to stand up.


Leonard slid forward and struck the awakening kidnapper unconscious.

Klein planned to enter as well when he suddenly sensed something. He turned around abruptly and faced the stairwell.

Tap. Tap. Tap. Footsteps were approaching from below. It became clear that “something” was a hatless man in a brown coat circling the stairwell in his progression toward the third floor while hugging a paper bag of bread.

Suddenly, he stopped. He saw a gun’s barrel aiming at him with a metallic luster.

His pupils reflected a young man dressed in a halved top hat, black formal suit with a bow tie of the same color. It also reflected the cane which rested along the rail and the dangerous revolver.

“Do not move. Raise your hands. Three, two, one…” Klein’s tone was deep but relaxed.

He held the revolver with both hands as he tried to imagine the man as a target from his practice.

Amid the tense atmosphere, the man in the brown coat threw the bag of bread and slowly raised his hands.

“Sir, is this a kind of a joke? Has there been a misunderstanding?” He stared intently at the finger that Klein had placed on the trigger as he forced a smile.

not reveal any abnormalities. He said in a deep voice, “Do not attempt to

had finished handling the kidnappers, walked out and noticed the man in the

his foot and kicked

coldly pulled the trigger like


out from

attempted to escape from the second floor; however, Leonard had



“Nice shooting.”

legs… The corner of Klein’s mouth twitched in an indiscernible manner as he caught a whiff of

visual, auditory, or tactile senses after consuming the Seer potion, he could still

spiritual perception? Klein nodded in thought as he watched

gun and cane in each hand, Klein entered the kidnapper’s room. They saw Elliott Vickroy jolt awake from the gunshot as he straightened his

up the three kidnappers with the rope they used against Elliott. Bunched together, they were thrown in a corner. The lack

but Leonard disdained getting his hands dirty, so he did not help him extract

you people?” Elliott stammered in pleasant

guessed right. Very precise.” The

have some humor cells in him… Klein lowered his revolver and said to Elliott, “We

been saved?” Elliott said joyfully without

that he had suffered quite harshly in the short few hours of being a kidnapping victim. He did not

“Go downstairs and find some patrolling cops. Get them to inform the tobacco merchant. I do not wish

the aftermath, nodded. He put away his revolver, picked up

went down the stairs, he had a nagging feeling that he had forgotten something. In addition, he heard Leonard say to Elliott, “Don’t be nervous. You

his laughter and walked out into the streets. With the help of pedestrians, he found

badge and identification as a member of the Special Operations Department; instead, he used his

he was not worried at all. He had received an all-purpose weapon usage certificate the day before yesterday. His application was accelerated by going through internal

and inform the Vickroy family. The other policeman

more than forty minutes, Leonard signaled to Klein while the policeman was not paying attention. Klein was to sneak out

station is an extreme waste of time. Let’s leave first,” the Nighthawk with the poetic bearing explained with a

was making it clear that he would take any responsibility for

where the kidnappers were. The old butler, Klee, disembarked with

moment in time, he was still in a daze. He found it incredulous that news would come so fast. It

heard a crisp snap

with its windows open. The black-haired and green-eyed Leonard

the window, turned around, and looked

extended his right

a pleasure working

don’t think we are on that good terms… Klein politely

kidnapping case to be resolved so quickly. All he could do was marvel at the capabilities of Beyonders. Even though he was just a half-assed Sequence 9 Beyonder, he was able

aristocrats after a

Klein had

outside the window and said with a frown, “Shouldn’t we confirm with Mr. Klee? If he believes that the police rescued Elliott, our commission will

total of

doubt about their providing of the

To us, money isn’t that important,” said Leonard with a

very important to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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