In the Divination Club situated at the second floor of 13 Howes Street, North Borough of Tingen City.

Klein saw the beautiful lady that attended to visitors once again.

She was still having her brownish-yellow long hair coiled, making her look mature and elegant. It was hard to tell her age.

“Hello, Mr. Glacis isn’t here today. Would you like to change fortune-tellers today?” said the beautiful lady with a smile.

Upon hearing that, Klein, who had just taken off his silk hat and put it back on, was immediately surprised.

“You still remember me?”

That was already five days ago!

The woman puckered her lips into a smile.

“You are the first customer that sought Mr. Glacis’s services. You are also the only one to this very day. It’s hard for me not to have a deep impression of you.”

Was this the image of him being penny-wise, pound-foolish? Klein lampooned himself as he deliberated a question.

“When was the last time Mr. Glacis came to the club?”

The lady shot a glance at him and answered seemingly in recollection, “To be honest, we are unable to grasp when our members will come and go. They have their free will and personal matters to tend to. Well, I do believe that Mr. Glacis hasn’t come to the club since he told your fortune that day.”

I wish him the best of luck. May the Goddess bless him… Klein prayed and did not ask further. Instead, he asked with a smile, “I’m not here for divination services this time. I plan to join the club.”

“Really? That’s our pleasure.” The lady expressed a timely look of surprise delight. “For the first year as a member, the membership fee is five pounds. It will be one pound a year thereafter. I believe there’s no need for me to describe in the details again?”

Klein took out a five-pound note he recently received as he watched Henry Augustus I’s portrait depart him.

After seriously checking the anti-counterfeit watermark, the woman stored away the note seriously and handed a form to Klein.

“Please feel in your detailed information. Let me prepare the receipt for you.”

There’s a receipt? You should bill it to Blackthorn Security Company… Klein was amused by his own thoughts as he picked up a fountain pen on the desk. With the blackish-blue ink, he filled in his name, age, address, and company information.

However, he had deliberately left his date-of-birth empty. To a Seer, that provided profound mysteries about his body through his Life Path Number.

After receiving the receipt and finishing his registration as a member, the lady extended her right hand.

I’m Angelica Barrehart, your hardworking server. This is your member cufflinks. There are special inscriptions on them which will identify

hand and

was written

left hand and thought

prefer to learn some divination methods from the club? We will consider inviting famous fortune-tellers of the corresponding domain to give classes. We will

art. There’s no need to give me any special considerations.” Klein replied with some embellishments. In addition, he inquired, “Can I begin telling the fortunes of

as a Seer and not learn the divination

the club. However, before we confirm your skills, we will not promote you when our customers ask. How much do you plan on charging

at advantage with price while he

taking a quarterpence for fees…” Angelica repeated the various rules first before writing Klein’s information

at the meeting room at the far end of the

a quiet spot to listen in. You can also raise your

his interest piqued. He wanted to know the differences

Angelica chased up and whispered, “Mr. Moretti, would you want coffee or tea? We provide Sibe black tea, Southville coffee, and

these coffees and black tea were considered as one of the inferior varieties, but he also knew that they were definitely of better quality than the ones he had at home. After some thought, he said, “A cup

for its beer and red wine; many important

to you in a bit.” Angelica pointed

door and heard a voice in a thick Awwa accent explaining, “Astrolabe divination is a relatively more complex one among

people… Klein silently tagged on a sentence for the speaker. He saw about five tables placed in a circle inside the meeting room. It

hair was thick and hard.

there was nothing unique about

enter, Hanass Vincent nodded gently without stopping his

held his cane. He found a seat to the sides and sat down, leaning back comfortably in the process. He scanned the circle of six members. There were four men and two

them were attentively taking notes, whispering, or returning Klein a

Klein adjusted his halved top hat

and saw the different colors, brightness, and

worried… Actually, every other part of his body is healthy except that part. I wonder what’s wrong…” Klein listened to the

and covered his mouth to prevent his

ability. Although he could only make a general judgment and not the

he tapped his glabella twice again as though he was pondering over what Hanass had just

things. For instance, the most basic birth horoscope was to determine the inquirer’s fate by determining the positions of the sun, moon, blue and red stars at their birth, the corresponding spots in the sky,

course, there were publications that aided people to look

interjecting or asking any questions. From time to time, he would caress the hanging

his glabella and said, “Perhaps you will need to attempt at creating your own astrolabe. Ask

shirt and black vest got up

meet you.

I’m Klein Moretti.” Klein stood

complicated. Every time I hear about it, I can’t help but doze off,” said

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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