Half past seven in the evening, around the Moretti family’s dining table.

“Klein, why do you need to be at work so early as a consultant? Would emergency matters at the security company be more dangerous?” Benson forked a potato from a dish of potato-stewed beef as he raised the matter in concern.

Klein carefully spat out the bones from a pan-fried dish and gave his prepared answer.

“A batch of historical documents needed immediate shipping to Backlund. I had to be present to handle the handover and make sure there was nothing missing. As you can guess, the bunch of fist-swinging bastards don’t know any Feysac.”

Upon hearing his answer, Benson, who had finished chewing his food, could not help but sigh.

“Knowledge is truly important.”

Making use of this opportunity, Klein took out the remaining five-pound note and handed it to Benson.

“This is my additional payment I received today. It’s time you get some decent clothes too.”

“Five pounds?” Benson and Melissa said in unison.

Benson took the note and looked at it repeatedly. He said in both shock and doubt, “This security company sure is generous…”

His weekly salary was one pound ten soli, which meant six pounds exactly every four weeks. He only earned one additional pound from this additional payment!

And with that salary, he had managed to support his siblings, giving them a decent place to stay and allowing them to eat meat two to three times a week. Every year, they could get a few new clothes!

“Are you doubting me?” Klein deliberately returned with a question.

Benson chuckled. “I doubt you have the ability nor the guts to rob a bank.”

“You aren’t someone who can lie,” Melissa answered seriously after lowering her fork and knife.

I-I’m now someone used to lying… Klein immediately felt a little ashamed.

Although it was a result of the circumstances of his reality, his sister’s belief in him left him melancholic.

“It was relatively urgent and important today. I also played a crucial role… which is the reason for the five pounds,” Klein explained.

In a way, what he said was the truth.

As for the five pounds that he would be reimbursed with—the one he would use to join the Divination Club—he planned on concealing it. Firstly, if he brought five pounds home again, he would truly scare his siblings, making them suspect he was doing something illegal. Secondly, he had to save to buy additional materials to practice being a Seer and to grasp more mysticism knowledge.

Benson bit off a mouthful of wheat bread in satisfaction and thought for more than ten seconds.

“The work I’m at doesn’t need any decent clothes. Well, to be precise, the clothes at home are sufficient.”

“With this additional income, we would truly have savings. I plan on buying a few books on accountancy and studying. Klein, Melissa, I do not wish that my weekly salary remain below two pounds in five years. Heh, as you

also took the opportunity to steer the conversation. “Why don’t you read some of the grammar books in my room? To be truly dignified and to earn a handsome pay, that’s

the civil servant examinations will appear in Loen Kingdom. Preparing ahead

up when he

Here, let’s toast to

not drink rye beer. Instead, he poured clear oyster soup into three cups and clinked his cup with his

soup, he looked at his sister who was wrestling with the pan-fried fish. He


think it’s

save it up.” Klein finished


not be too expensive. We can save up the

you planning on wearing the old dress again to

and good friend. She came from quite a good family background. Her elder

the so-called bash was only a dinner invitation to friends where

response. Then, she

a short silence, she suddenly recalled something and looked up

make a formal visit on Sunday, at four in the afternoon tomorrow. She wants to

Shaud?” Klein looked at

of the table with his

met her husband before. He’s a senior

brother,” said Melissa with some hints of

are at 2 Daffodil

imperative we get to know our neighbors, but as you know, I still have to be at the company on Sunday. I only have time off on Monday. Please pass my

he was young, as well as the neighbors in the apartment from

visits… Shouldn’t neighbors get

aren’t aware. You have read a lot of newspapers recently, but you have not broached the magazines catered towards families and middle-aged women. They placed families with an annual income of a hundred to a thousand pounds as middle-class. They promoted it as the framework of the entire kingdom

simplified ceremonies which the aristocrats practice in their interactions. As such, it

he spoke, he shook his

will be very particular about details. They will visit their neighbors and friends from two to six in the afternoon. It’s known as a morning call 1

Klein and Melissa

visit from two to

his fork and knife, threw his hands

All I did was read the magazines my female

it was considered

leaves in the afternoon. Buy some muffins and lemon egg tarts from Mrs. Smyrin. We must not ill-treat our neighbors.” Klein chuckled as he dipped his remaining bread

next morning was a

halved top hat. Picking up his silver-inlaid black cane, he sauntered out the door and took

to sleep in the break room after finishing her night duty. After which, he went all the way

met a Nighthawk member,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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