Anna, with her beautiful eyes, hesitated for more than ten seconds.

“You can choose any type that you believe will be accurate. You are the fortune-teller, while I’m not. Of course, apart from cards, including tarot, I have also attempted studying them at home. I always felt they were more like toys or a game.”

Klein thought for a moment, his wrists leaning on the edge of the table. He steepled his hands before his face, his gaze peaceful. He said softly, “Then we shall use the astrolabe.”

He pointed to a fountain pen and stack of white paper on the table and said, “Write down the name of your fiancé as well as his facial features, address, and date of birth. It would be even better if you can remember the specific time he was born.”

From her clothes, makeup, and demeanor, Klein did not believe that she was illiterate.

Anna did not reply. She extended her hand and took a piece of paper. She lifted the pen and dipped it in some ink. She started writing, pausing occasionally to think.

Two minutes later, she pushed the paper toward Klein.

Klein received it and turned it around. The information on the paper read: “Joyce Meyer, 15th September 1323, 2:00PM. Tingen City, East Borough, 8 Stevens Street. Short blond hair, aquiline nose…”

With just a short glance, Klein quickly calculated the person’s spiritual number:


In the study of Spirit Numerology in mysticism, adding the numbers of the day the person was born was called their Birth Day Path Number, affecting the person’s life before 27. Birth Month Path Number (calculated by adding the numbers in their birth month) affected their life from 27 to 54 years old, while the Birth Year Path Number (calculating the numbers in their birth year) affected their life from 54 years old onward.

It was July 1349, so Joyce was not yet 27; thus, Klein immediately calculated the Birth Day Path Number.

The number six represented a balanced and harmonious life, with a heart for giving and a decent marriage or engagement.

Following this, he quickly calculated Joyce’s Year Path Number.

The so-called Year Path Number was calculated by replacing the birth year with the current year. The digits were then added with his Birth Day Path Number and Birth Month Path Number to get a general understanding of the person’s luck for the year.

1+3+4+9=17, 1+7=8; 8+9 (Birth Month Path Number)+6 (Birth Day Path Number)=23; 2+3=5; His Year Path Number is 5, signifying that he would meet with change and accident. He would be required to take certain risks… Klein made a silent judgment after consolidating the facts. He confirmed that the information Anna gave was correct.

He retracted his gaze from the paper and turned it toward Anna, “Mr. Meyer set off on his journey on the 3rd of June?”

“If he did not lie, that is indeed the case.” Anna bit her lips.

“Alright.” Klein took the fountain pen and made a note of that.

He looked at Anna with his dark brown eyes and said gently, “I will begin creating the astrolabe now. I will need some time and absolute silence; do you mind waiting outside? Angelica will provide you with a cup of tea or coffee.”

some fortune-tellers had their eccentricities, so she stood up unsurprised. She took her

returned to the table. He followed the information and set up the astrolabe, including elements

the entire process, he did not open the Astromancy Manual. He completed

his mysticism studies, Klein realized that he

astrolabe and felt satisfied. He felt as though his body,

as other supporting details to roughly deduce that Joyce Meyer had

to pay much attention to his first business transaction. He hoped to build a reputation to aid in acquiring future jobs. He picked up the pen and wrote a sentence in Hermes:

on the piece of paper, repeating it again

Klein grabbed the piece of paper and leaned back into his

imagined the sphere of light, and his eyes became darker, allowing

quality. A formless, boundless fog

piece of paper, then relaxed. He fell into a deep sleep in

was using a

the question, remembering the details, and then allowing his Astral Projection to roam the spirit

signs in their dreams were more complicated and garbled. A Seer would not have such a problem, for they could see

hazy as Klein turned

nose. He was swimming frantically in a sea of blood, nearly engulfed by the waves.

a toy windmill at the door. That blond young man was entering the house slowly, seemingly

Klein realized that he was inside

and damaged beyond repair. Moss and weeds grew in multiple areas. Through the holes in the walls, he could see a mountain

palace was a huge throne carved out of stone. It was adorned with dull gemstones and gold. It looked as though it was

was empty and mottled, as if it had been washed over by

did not understand why he would

walked out of

gaze fall upon him. It was a gaze

giant stone throne, only to see a scene of countless

Klein gasped.

his eyes and woke up from

tarot cards, and the prepared astrolabe entered

the divination, but what was the later dream about? It seemed to be targeted at me? Klein put the piece of paper down.

could confirm that it wasn’t his fear projecting itself in the form of

the peak of a mountain… The silent stare… The contorted and weird scene of the maggots… Klein silently guessed

result of the Antigonus family’s notebook… Right, that notebook mentioned the

to Old Neil, Mystery

of Ray Bieber… Klein collected himself

opened the door and headed to the reception area. He saw Anna

Mr. Moretti, is there a result?” She saw Klein in her peripheral vision and stood up in

not answer her immediately. Instead, he asked according to the revelation he received from the dream, “Does your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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