“No problem.” Klein tried to maintain his unchanging deep tone.

He rested his left elbow on the armrest of his chair and supported his forehead slightly with his fingers, posing as though he was listening calmly.

Alger deliberated over his words and said, “The Antigonus is an ancient family. Their history can be traced back to the Cataclysm Epoch before the Fourth Epoch and is related to the second Blasphemy Slate.”

The second Blasphemy Slate? There’s a second Blasphemy Slate? How many are there? Klein’s pupils shrank, and he nearly changed his posture.

According to what The Hanged Man and Justice have said previously, the Blasphemy Slate contained the profound mysteries of the twenty-two paths of the divine!

There are two of such important items, or even more?

Twenty-two paths of the divine… Sequences and pathways… Could these two nouns mean the same thing? Every complete Sequence pathway leads straight to the throne of the divine?

At that instant, the description of the second Blasphemy Slate gave Klein numerous thoughts. He believed that if not for the thick grayish-white fog concealing him, his emotional reaction would probably have been discovered by Miss Spectator.

As for the words Cataclysm Epoch, he was no stranger to that term as a historian. It was the name of the third epoch.

After his recent revision, Klein even knew that the third epoch was separated into two eras: the Glorious Era and the Cataclysm Era.

“A second Blasphemy Slate?” Audrey plainly revealed her ignorance on the matter.

Before she calmed her emotions, she returned to her Spectator state.

Nice question! Klein secretly cheered for Miss Justice.

It was a question inconvenient for him to ask as The Fool.

Alger stole a glance at The Fool and noticed that his posture remained the same, nor did he make a sound. Hence, he thought and answered, “The first Blasphemy Slate appeared in the Dark Epoch, which is the second epoch where we humans struggled to survive under the protection of gods. The second Blasphemy Slate appeared at the end of the third epoch. It could even be said that its appearance symbolized the end of the Cataclysm Epoch.

“The content of the two Blasphemy Slates is kept secret by the seven major churches. I only know bits and pieces of it. I only know that they involve the pathways to godhood, but I am not sure of the differences between them.”

“Was the Blasphemy Slate that Emperor Roselle saw the first or the second?” Audrey asked curiously.

Upon hearing that, Klein recalled what Alger said about the potion names during the first Gathering. He said that the names of the Sequence potions were derived from the Blasphemy Slate!

birth of the Blasphemy Slate… That indirectly confirms that the pathways to godhood are the Sequence


and she returned to her Spectator state. She did not continue asking questions; instead, all she did was focus her gaze on The

his voice and continued, “During the Solomon Dynasty in the Fourth Epoch, although the Antigonus family was considered an illustrious part of the aristocracy, they didn’t do anything very memorable until they supported the establishment of the Tudor Empire. They

the Four Sovereigns, the Blood Emperor from the Tudor Empire perished. They fell from the top of their pedestal and are now hunted by the

if you’d like to know more, I am afraid that you can only obtain the information from the Church of the Evernight Goddess or from the few ancient secret organizations. You know which few I am referring

nodded while feeling


Secret Order is one. Captain and Old Neil mentioned the Moses Ascetic Order. I wonder if

mentally checked off the candidates, Alger

only two adjectives that appear repetitively in the descriptions of the Antigonus family, and those are “strange” and

to the notebook, the original Klein and his classmates, and what happened to Ray Bieber’s mother, it really is aptly worded…Klein continuously rapped the edge of the long table with the tip

slowly began to

I am

the long table lightly with his fingers was to emphasize the action, to make Justice and The Hanged Man believe that he had a habit of rapping in order to conceal the fact that the same motion

Alger did

shall ask the second question: what is the

to different difficulties… Klein did not speak but cast

seconds before saying, “I’ll answer

Psychiatrist now. This is what I found out from a member of the Psychology Alchemists. I think they should have quite

Spirit Medium Daly was rather approving of their theory, but Captain thought

that particular Psychology Alchemists member?” asked Audrey as her

both names appealed to

a rare

around Sonia Island. I sank him

you would like to look for the Psychology Alchemists, I have to apologize since I

find his identity through his description because he did that on

Audrey was at a loss how to

asked bashfully, “The third question. If—and I’m saying if—a normal animal were to drink a Sequence 9 potion, what would

a question is that? Klein tapped his glabella unnoticeably with his

noticed that Audrey’s

done something that stupid? Klein was

past two Gatherings, he was certain that Miss

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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