Suspension-style ritualistic magic referred to the termination of a ritual according to the Beyonder’s judgment. They could finish other matters first before returning to continue the ritual. Even by doing so, it was still possible to gain the desired effects.

This was a technique produced over 1000 years of ritualistic magic development. After all, many high-level ritualistic magic required multiple steps. The duration ranged from an hour to half a day before finishing. It was difficult to ensure that no one disturbed them during the entire process or that there wouldn’t be any accidents.

After gaining lessons from various predecessors through blood and tears, gaining feedback through each failure, being able to suspend ritualistic magic became mainstream at the higher levels while it also indirectly affected the lower level rituals.

However, being able to suspend a ritual didn’t mean that the ritual could be suspended at any time. One had to abide by mysticism theory and grasp the corresponding technique. If not, the failure of the ritual was unavoidable. it could even result in a terrifying backlash effect.

Based on Klein’s understanding, once one gained the attention of a particular divinity, and the divinity was waiting on the contents of the request, to suddenly say, “Wait, I need to use the bathroom,” one can only be congratulated since they might never need to go to the bathroom ever again.

Phew… Klein heaved a sigh of relief as he composed himself.

Even though he had held many luck-enhancement rituals and had even designed a corresponding ritual that made an attempt at Justice and The Hanged Man, this was his first actual ritualistic magic that abided by the rules.

After looking at the silver-inlaid cane by the side of the bed, Klein picked up the third candle and placed it in the middle of the desk to represent himself.

He placed the silver bowl that Selena used for rituals in front of the third candle and replaced the ax with a Sacred Emblem. On the left were the pure dew and essential oils of the Moon flower, Slumber flower, and other plants. While on the right, he placed a plate of salt, a small silver dagger, a piece of fake goatskin, and a quill that was dipped in ink.

Luckily, Selena had a complete inventory; otherwise, he wouldn’t have had any way to complete the preparations. As for the moderately fast rituals that Old Neil could perform, they were not something a Seer could do…

From the looks of it, Selena was quite an experienced mysticism enthusiast. Yes, if she wasn’t experienced then she wouldn’t have gotten into such trouble… She was only 16 and had been exposed to all of this for at least a year… Who had guided her? Ideas flashed through his mind as he picked up Selena’s cup from the bed. He poured plain water into it and placed it beside the coarse salt.

He took out his pocket watch and popped it open. He didn’t delay any further after taking a glance at it. He traced layers of the spherical light in his mind and quickly entered meditation.

The room that was filled with floral fragrance, was suddenly subject to a formless whirlwind. Klein put away his pocket watch and his eyes suddenly turned darker, from brown to black, as though he could see through one’s soul.

He extended his palm and laid it against the candle on the top right corner. He chanted inwardly, “Evernight Goddess, you are the Lady of Crimson!”

As Klein chanted, he extended his spirituality and rubbed the candle wick. After a couple of moments, the candle suddenly lit up, and there was a tranquil blue inside the dim yellow light.

“Evernight Goddess, you are the Empress of Disaster and Horror!”

Just like he did before, Klein successfully lit up the second candle on the top left corner.

“I am your loyal guard; the shield that fends against danger in the dark night, and the long spear that stabs at evil in the silence!”


The third candle that symbolized Klein began to burn.

The flame was still. He picked up the small silver knife and mimicked Old Neil’s motions. He used incantations, coarse salt, and plain water to fulfill the purification.

Then, he let his spirituality that he had gathered spewed out from the tip of the silver dagger, and naturally merged them as one.

With the silver knife in hand, Klein walked around the bedroom—kneeling when he came to the bed—and sealed the area with a formless barrier.

The light from the street lamp outside the window suddenly disappeared, but the red light was still shining through quietly.

Klein returned to the study desk and picked up the quill. With spirituality and ink, he drew incantations and symbols to ward off disaster.

When all of that was finished, he put down the things he was holding. Then, he trickled a drop of pure dew, flower essence, and essential oils on each of the three candles.


the room which

taking a step back from the

than the stars and more

pray for

show your loving grace to a devout

the power of

powers of Disaster

pray that you will cleanse your devout believer, Selena Wood, from evil’s

for a moment, a moment

belongs to the red moon, please bestow your powers to

belongs to the red moon,

Klein closed his eyes and repeated it seven times in his

was nothing out of the ordinary at the altar. He then lifted the silver dagger again and took a few steps back to the

the shape of the crimson moon. He then turned around and raised his

once again and sliced open the shape of a

knew that even if he opened the door at that very moment, it wouldn’t affect the tranquility and holiness

silver vine-leaf pocket watch that had a intricate pattern. He checked the time and went through the process that was to happen in a

living room on

time to check the wall clock. She was counting

lively girl with long wine-red hair. Her dimples were deep, her smile

felt. The cold and horrifying Selena in the mirror seemed to be in her head, and she couldn’t wipe

stood up. Before everyone’s shocked gazes, she smiled and stuttered, “Selena, I-I

Didn’t you give me a birthday present already?” Selena flipped

will n-not have any signs.” Elizabeth felt that she

the bedroom door first. Selena


is acting so strange

started acting even stranger after she

that she needed to use the bathroom,

Selena’s bedroom entrance.

a deep breath and said to the girl in front of her, “Let’s go to

looked puzzled at her good friend as she noticed her

a glance at the mirror in Selena’s hand as she turned half her body around to knock on the door with a long knock followed by two short successive

on the door…” Selena was baffled even

tuxedo and half top hat,

surprise? This is a pleasant surprise?” Selena’s mouth turned agape as

the wrist. He pulled her into the room

silver dagger struck forward as it spewed out his spirituality which quickly mended the door-shaped

spirituality wall sealed off the


and without even looking at

haired girl stopped screaming as she looked

cold as her skin was mottled with paleness. Her

drop of Moon flower and essential oil onto each candle as he chanted

for you to

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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