“Mass hysteria?” Sir Deweyville, who had met many psychiatrists recently, ruminated over the term Klein had said.

Despite their curiosity, his butler, bodyguards, and servants didn’t make a single sound since they had not been given permission by him.

As for Sergeant Gate, he looked towards Klein doubtfully as if he had never heard of that concept.

Klein controlled his habit of tapping the armrest with his fingertips and calmly explained, “Humans can be fooled easily by their sensory organs. Mass hysteria is a kind of psychogenic illness that is a result of tense nerves and other factors amongst a group of individuals as they influence each other.”

The jargon he spewed out confused Sir Deweyville, Sergeant Gate, and the rest, causing them to subconsciously opt to believe him.

“Let me give a simple example of this; this was one of the cases that I previously dealt with, one man held a dinner banquet and invited 35 guests. Midway, he suddenly felt disgusted and puked. After that, he even had severe diarrhea. After a couple times, he began to believe that he had gotten food poisoning. He shared his speculation with the other guests on the way to the hospital.

“In the next two hours, there were more than 30 guests that had diarrhea amongst the 35 guests, with 26 of them experiencing nausea. They flooded the entire emergency room of the hospital.

“The doctors went through a detailed examination and performed cross checks, and they concluded that the very first man didn’t have food poisoning at all. Instead, it was a result of stomach inflammation caused by the change of weather and cold liquor.

“The most surprising fact was that none of the guests who went to the hospital had food poisoning. In fact, not a single one of them was sick.

“That is mass hysteria.”

Deweyville nodded slightly and marveled, “I understand now. Humans do lie to themselves easily. It’s no wonder that Emperor Roselle once said that a lie would become reality once it was repeated a hundred times.

“Officer, how may I address you? You are the most professional psychiatrist I have ever met.”

“Inspector Moretti.” Klein pointed at his epaulet and said, “Sir, your troubles have been resolved temporarily for now. You can try to sleep now while I determine if there are any other problems. If you are able to sleep well, please allow us to bid farewell ahead of time instead of waiting for you to wake up.”

“Alright.” Deweyville massaged his forehead, took his cane, and walked upstairs to his bedroom.

Half an hour later, a police carriage left the fountain at the door of Deweyville’s residence.

When Sergeant Gate got off on the way and returned to his police station, Inspector Tolle looked towards Klein. He complimented in jest, “Even I believed that you were a real psychological expert…”

Before he finished his sentence, he saw the young man in a black-and-white checkered uniform looking expressionless. His eyes were deep and serene as he forced a smirk on his face and said, “I only had some experience with it in the past.”

until the carriage arrived outside 36

your assistance, allowing Sir Deweyville to be finally free from his problems and be able to find sleep again.”

slightly and

up the stairs and returned to the Blackthorn

Dunn was waiting for his

his reply short and simple. “The root of the problem stemmed from the lead and porcelain factory under Sir Deweyville. From the moment they

too big of a problem. That might cause nightmares, at

the case. But, unfortunately, Sir Deweyville encountered a female worker who died of lead poisoning on the streets. She collapsed by the side of the street and happened to catch a glimpse of the Deweyville’s family emblem. She also harbored intense indignation, worry, and desires. It was only

out his smoking pipe, smelled the tobacco, and sighed. “Workers that make linen work in damp environments, and are generally diagnosed with bronchitis and joint related ailments. As for factories with serious powder and dust issues, even if the dust isn’t poisonous, it can still accumulate into lung problems… Sigh… We don’t have to talk about this. As the kingdom develops, I believe

extended period of time today and also used dream divination to directly interact with those resentments. I’m feeling especially drained. I want to return home in the afternoon to get some rest. Would that be okay? Oh, then I’ll head over to the Divination Club at about four or five in the afternoon to see how the club members are reacting

problem, that’s only necessary.” Dunn chuckled. “Tomorrow night it is. Let’s do it at Old Will’s Restaurant next door.

peak cap and stood up

you, Captain.

lifted his hand and said, “Hold on, did you mention that Sir Deweyville gave

and immediately understood the reason why the captain had mentioned it. “You are worried

Dunn sighed.

the past. Pass me their address, I’ll ask Kenley

in a

diagonally opposite. He changed into his original suit and left the police uniform in

hat. He then heated up the leftovers from last night and ate them

to the second floor, hung his clothes,

showed that it was already ten past two in the afternoon. The sun was hanging high up in the

the oriel window. He watched the pedestrians in old

out a breath slowly, finally overcoming

journey had to be taken one step at a time. Likewise, his Sequence needed to be advanced one level at a time. Everything

the last week,

three in

boundless, grayish-white, silent gray fog stood a

at the long table sat a man already engulfed by

contemplated. He suddenly extended his hand and tapped on the

Backlund, Empress Borough.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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