
“Author?” Audrey asked casually as she observed Glaint’s reaction.

Subsequently, she didn’t have to mind the presence of her maidservant, Annie, since they chatted about ordinary topics.

Glaint straightened his body and chuckled.

“Yes, I believe that you have read her works in the past. She wrote the book, Stormwind Mountain Villa, which was highly acclaimed for the past two months.”

“I enjoyed that book, especially the calm Lady Sissi,” Audrey replied with a faint smile.

Meanwhile, she was rolling her eyes at her own hypocrisy inwardly.

That was because her latest hobby had nothing to do with novels. She had stopped reading Stormwind Mountain Villa a month ago, her progress stopped at the one-third mark.

Ever since she joined the Tarot Club and acquainted herself with the powerful Fool, and became a real Beyonder, she had been immersing herself in mysticism knowledge. She had been systematically learning about psychology and had lost interest in other activities.

Smiling, Glaint guided Audrey to a sofa in the hall.

“I am sure that Miss Fors Wall will leave a good impression on you, for she is just like Stormwind Mountain Villa’s Lady Sissi—calm, intellectual, and lazy.

“Also, my dear Miss Audrey, are you going to play the piano for us later? That is the greatest compliment for a novel and literature.”

Audrey looked at the side profile of Glaint’s face. His expression, tone, and body language all conveyed his intention to flaunt himself.

He wants to use me to show off… Audrey thought to herself, as if she had just met this good friend of hers for the first time.

She maintained her elegant smile and said, “My music teacher, Mr. Vicanell the pianist, said that my standards have deteriorated recently and needs more practice.”

“Alright.” Glaint was just about wondering what to say when he suddenly saw a lady taking desserts from the long table. “Audrey, this is Miss Fors Wall, the author of Stormwind Mountain Villa.”

Audrey looked over. Miss Fors Wall was about 23 years old and 1.65 meters in height. She was wearing a pale yellow dress with frills. Her brown hair was slightly curly. She looked over with her pale blue eyes as Glaint introduced her while wearing a smile that appeared ruminative.

Audrey had noticed several small details in the less than three seconds of observation.

There are faint traces of yellow on Miss Fors’s fingers… She likes cigarettes…

There are obvious calluses on her fingers at spots used to hold a pen, fitting her identity as an author…

Her arm movements show that she has decent strength. This is not a quality expected of an author, unless she is passionate about exercising. Perhaps she was born like this, or she might have engaged in some other occupation in the past…

and precise style in Stormwind Mountain Villa. This

relaxed, giving me the feeling that she is looking down on me and Glaint. Is this the psychological superiority a

identity as a Beyonder, then she should feel some anxiety and uneasiness. After all, she is unable to guess his reaction and what

the one who voluntarily approached Glaint, having learned about our hobbies. She must be quite confident about what

support, or the Beyonder ingredients stored in the treasury? Or

this moment, Glaint was

previously, the most sparkling gem in all of Backlund. Her father is Count

my bed to

because I haven’t finished reading it even

as they were

she targeted a cream cake, Audrey

now and tried to figure the motives of

took a step forward, Audrey, who was as calm as an objective Spectator, stepped on her

Annie, caught her, allowing

unique design of this dress means that you cannot walk too quickly,” Annie

nodded in reply, her face flushed

to look at where I was placing my foot… she silently

with many other esteemed authors, critics, and musicians for the rest

facial muscles began turning sore, she

gave the excuse of needing to use

one tailing her, she made her way to the study on the first level and told her maidservant Annie, “I have something to discuss with Glaint. Guard the door for me.

that Audrey and Viscount Glaint shared similar hobbies and would often discuss mysticism

study and locked the door. She saw Glaint seated behind the desk while playing with a pen. Fors Wall was standing

again. Madam Fors, a true

so?” Audrey intentionally exaggerated her feelings of

to its original position and

looks like I

to the door and extended her right

witnessed Madam Fors turn incorporeal as she

she realized that Fors was no longer standing in her original

Wall smiled as she walked in from the outside. Audrey’s

magical ability!” Glaint


displayed allowed Audrey to confirm what her true motives were, since acquiring

to Glaint and I to achieve something? Audrey tried her


at a clinic and was given an opportunity to become a Beyonder. That was more

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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