The sound of running footsteps entered Klein’s ears, calming him down as he stood at the entrance of the guard room.

Leonard arrived first, holding a revolver. He asked in a solemn voice, “What happened?”

Watching Leonard struggle to stop, Klein suddenly thought of something that Rozanne had mentioned in the past. Three years ago, Leonard, who had just become a Sleepless, tried to run down the flight of stairs despite not having adapted to the potion’s power, causing him to fall and roll down.

With a cough, Klein pointed at Chanis Gate and said, “There was a knocking noise from the inside, which then became a loud slamming noise. Then the door was pushed open a little.”

“Chanis Gate was pushed open?” the short Kenley asked in shock.

“Yes, a slit was opened.” Klein continued his description. He saw that Leonard, Kenley, and Royale had stopped approaching the guard room, instead forming an arc formation a few steps away, loosely surrounding Klein.

He paused for a moment before asking, “Are you suspicious of me?”

“No, it isn’t suspicion. This is protocol.” Kenley shook his head.

In this tense atmosphere, Leonard maintained his flippant attitude, laughing as he added, “There have been incidents like this in other churches. The Beyonder guarding Chanis Gate lost control and pulled the bell before killing two teammates who came to help.”

“Alright.” Klein no longer felt angry and aggrieved at being ostracized. Instead, he asked, “Then how should I prove that I haven’t lost control?”

Leonard wiped away his flippant smile and tapped his chest four times. With a hoarse voice, he recited softly, “Lacking clothes and food, they have no shelter in the cold.

“They are drenched by rains, and huddle around the rocks for lack of shelter.

“They are orphans snatched from the breast, hope lost on them; they are the poor that have been forced off the proper path.

“The Evernight did not forsake them, but bestowed them with love.”

The holy, yet pitiful prayer reverberated around the basement, making the bodies, hearts, and souls of everyone present feel purified and tranquil.

Seeing Klein not display any abnormal reactions, Leonard stopped his recital and smiled.

“There’s no problem. You are still our trusted partner.”

Madam Royale, who had been quiet all this time, looked at Chanis Gate and asked, “What did you see when the gate was pushed open?”

“I saw a Misfortune Cloth Puppet, the one wearing the black classic regal gown, 3-0625,” Klein replied, still a little fearful. “But three seconds later, a formless power pulled it back and Chanis Gate was closed once again. What’s going on?”

and Royale

But since Chanis Gate is closed once again and there’s nothing unusual, we shouldn’t enter it at this time. We have to wait till dawn for the

“I will wait here and guard the

person here, I shall stay too. Kenley, return to the second floor just in case the police department has an emergency case and cannot open

didn’t say much, he just nodded immediately

glanced at Klein and

It’s best to have some sort of entertainment

problem.” Klein adjusted his revolver and put it back into his armpit holster. Royale didn’t voice an opinion, but instead stroked her smooth,

playing Fighting the Landlord, no—Fighting Evil, Klein said casually, “Misfortune Cloth Puppet, I mean 3-0625, according to its description, isn’t equipped with

Leonard showed his hand and replied with the same casual tone, “In the past forty years, 3-0625 hasn’t displayed any life-like characteristics. We can first assume that the information is correct and make our assumptions based on

You already have an idea?” Royale

coffee and said, “Yes, since 3-0625 shouldn’t have any life-like

there been anything different about Chanis

deuces and pondered for

the Sealed Artifact 2-049 was stored behind Chanis Gate for

tapped the table, he said with a smile, “If 2-049 can make the Misfortune Cloth Puppet act abnormally, then something similar should have happened behind Backlund’s Chanis

thought for a moment and

explanation… Leonard, I never expected you to be this good at

a romantic poet and a person with excellent deductive skills was

a straight from 8 to King. Does no one want it? Three 6’s and

seeing this, Klein

not been concentrating on the game, they forget

the ‘Evil’ in this

the deck, Klein took the opportunity to ask,

at him

mechanisms behind Chanis Gate only consists of the buried sealed chamber and a few

have already left Chanis Gate and returned to Saint Selena

only weakens when the sun rises again. That is also

Captain had forgotten to tell me the reason… Klein thought for a

versions of

Gates are placed in the central cathedral of each city. The gate is maintained by the followers that go to these churches every day. Their sincere prayers allow a part

as he saw that he

Gate. Saint Selena’s ashes

of Saint Selena? Ashes of a High-Sequence Beyonder? Sacred ashes? What use do those have? Klein was as

devotee when the Church of the Evernight Goddess was being established. She was active during the Third Epoch and her deeds were written in many holy scriptures. Thus, Saint Selena was

Klein’s mind as he continued, “Rumors suggest that the skeleton or ashes of High-Sequence Beyonders still contain incredible power. Of course, those

his attention on the cards in his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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