Elizabeth immediately turned nervous after hearing Klein’s reply. Subconsciously, she began to speak faster.

“Can you help me divine the specific reason? It will be even better if you can divine a way to solve this…”

Divination can only give us a general direction of how to solve the problem, and furthermore, it will be unclear and filled with symbolism, making it difficult to decipher the hints correctly… Of course, you’re very lucky, I’m not an ordinary Seer, I’m a true mysticism scholar! Klein lampooned the girl’s question before saying solemnly, “Since this matter has to do with dreams, I would suggest a similar divination method.”

“Alright, alright.” Elizabeth nodded her head like a hungry woodpecker.

Klein maintained his professional attitude. “I will need you to sleep here and allow that dream to present itself. Is that a problem?”

“There’s no problem, I trust you,” Elizabeth answered without hesitation while pursing her lips.

But she quickly added with a stammer, “B-but, I cannot guarantee that I would… I would have that dream.”

“It’s just an attempt,” Klein consoled her with a gentle smile.

He then pointed at the long sofa on the side of the Red Agate room. “Please.”

“No, no need for that, I’ll sleep here.” Elizabeth shook her head gently. She crossed her arms and said, “I sleep like this at school after classes whenever I feel tired.”

She used her arms as a pillow and leaned forward onto the edge of the table.

“Alright, you can pretend that I’m not here.” Klein smiled as he observed the colors of her aura and emotions. He used them to deduce if the girl had fallen asleep or not.

“Okay.” Elizabeth closed her eyes and buried her face into her arms, trying hard to ease her breathing.

Klein didn’t speak as he leaned back into his chair. The room suddenly became unusually quiet.

It was a peaceful silence, a silence that could make one forget their troubles.

Sometime later, Klein took out a semicircular piece of silver from his pocket after he confirmed that Elizabeth had fallen asleep. The piece of silver was filled with indecipherable Hermes phrases as well as symbolic imagery and numbers.

It was a Dream Charm that Klein had succeeded in making the previous morning!

He had also finished making two Slumber Charms and two Requiem Charms. The former were made with rectangular pieces of silver while the latter were made with triangular pieces. This was to help him differentiate between them solely by touch during an intense battle.

“Crimson!” Klein softly recited the phrase in ancient Hermes.

This was the activation incantation that he had set. Since there was still the step of injecting spirituality into the charm, there was no need for his incantation to be different from the rest. All it needed was to be short and easy to remember.

The mysterious incantation reverberated around the room. Klein felt the Dream Charm become light in his hand, as if it had temporarily lost its weight.

on the table in front of him after

flame leapt up silently, enveloping the

quickly, enveloping Elizabeth and

enter his state of Cogitation. He used his spirituality to look at

by a boundless darkness, making it seem exceptionally

further as he emitted his spirituality, allowing it to touch the illusory ball

to coruscate and warp, but it quickly settled into a yellowish-brown plain. The plain was littered

gown with engageantes and a fishnet

revealed a

register was you when Selena and I came to get a divination.

during the summer break, I was

can help

a moment when he heard the

that Elizabeth had suspected that I was working part-time at the Divination Club and tried to


surprise was authentic,

honest side,

Elizabeth’s dream changed. A tall knight, about 1.9 meters in height, was walking toward them, dragging a broadsword which

The metallic sounds of metal colliding could be heard with his every step. Two blobs of red light akin to flames peeked out from the slit of

a wraith… Still not at the stage of an evil spirit. Klein, who was in his spirituality state, didn’t need to activate his

kinds of souls to deal with. Following those were shadows and wraiths. Evil spirits were the most difficult soul-like creatures to

forward, blocking Elizabeth behind him. He then stomped down with

like fireflies. Klein’s spirituality returned to his body, allowing his eyes to once again adapt to the darkness of the Red Agate room. He saw the tools needed for divination placed around the table, as well as the

saw this. Charms in the Evernight Goddess’s domain were all made using pure silver, so it pained his

to burning money! Even if I don’t account for my labor costs, the materials alone already averaged to about six to eight soli

from the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun. After all, they

softly and slowly woke up

“Mr. Moretti, were there any results from

Klein nodded seriously. “Your nightmares should disappear

to send someone to deal with it at Lamud Town… Klein added in his

Mr. Moretti!” Elizabeth became excited. She

matter?” Klein asked

She slowly took out a single soli bill that she had

walked toward the stairs outside the door. She flailed her arms after she confirmed that no one was watching and groaned softly,

Blackthorn Security Company, Dunn rubbed his forehead as he

you came across another

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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