Some pathways are interchangeable after Sequence 5? That’s different from what the Nighthawks told me!

Isn’t it a fact that you cannot change your pathway after you choose one? Wasn’t it mentioned that diverging from your pathway would allow one to obtain strange, mysterious powers, but that person would definitely go insane and would never be able to advance?

To think that there are some hidden exceptions to this!

Klein looked at the diary, his pupils constricting.

He didn’t think that the Emperor Roselle would spout nonsense about something like this. After all, the surprise in his words were so real. But he didn’t assume that the information Emperor Roselle had received was definitely correct. There was also a possibility that he had been lied to, or that he had misinterpreted the information.

I will need to verify this. I’ll commit it to my memory first… Klein reminded himself, then thought deeply about this.

If what Roselle described here turns out to be correct, then the Sequence pathways go deeper than what I imagined… It hides many secrets…

The complete pathway possessed by the Nighthawks is Sleepless. They also possess a relatively complete path in the Corpse Collector, which they have up to Sequence 4. To think that those are interchangeable after Sequence 5… The other potion chains they have are even less complete, as some pathways only possess the first Sequence…

Similarly, the Church of the God of Steam and Machinery holds the complete pathway of the Savant, and has a relatively complete pathway for the Mystery Pryer. These can also be interchanged at High Sequences…

Interesting… I wonder which pathway is interchangeable with the Seer pathway? The Apprentice or Marauder that was mentioned by the Emperor?

Hmm, there’s a high possibility that the first five Sequence pathways of the Seer pathway would each provide a separate ability, and that these abilities would be combined at Sequence 4. At that stage, there should be no way to interchange it with some other potion… Klein retracted his thoughts, once again placing his attention onto the diary.

He noticed that although the two diary pages were connected, the content was not in chronological order. The dates belonged to two different periods. This could be a mistake made by whoever copied their content.

“9th April. The relationships between the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, the Church of the Lord of Storms, and the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom are poor. They see each other as enemies. The Church of the Evernight Goddess is at odds with the Church of the God of Combat from the Feysac Empire. This can be taken advantage of. These are all facts worth considering.”

“13th April. I participated in an ancient organization’s gathering. I never expected them to be members of this organization as well. It sure was frightening.”

“To think that the second Blasphemy Slate was in the hands of this organization. This is the first time I’m seeing this legendary item!”

when I will create a Blasphemy Slate unique to me. No, a set of them, with each

dare to write down the name

that Emperor Roselle had seen the second Blasphemy Slate. Furthermore, he created a set of cards after that, each card represented a pathway to

where that set of twenty-two cards are now? That ancient organization

shifted his gaze away from the diary and shot it towards The Hanged Man, Justice, and The Sun.


for a moment

you described previously has already garnered the support of the King and the Prime

Prime Minister still use their brains,” Alger mocked out of

it’s passed by the two Houses, it will

the elites who graduated from the various universities in such a short period of time. But he need not compete against them; the positions they’re fighting for wouldn’t be the

The Fool’s affirmative nod. She said with a smile, “Mr. Hanged Man, you got me to check on something for you previously. I’ve received an answer. The King has been convinced by the Prime Minister and won’t seek revenge on the Feysac Empire at the East Balam Shore for the time being. I think you can now give

you for your answer. This eases my concerns over certain things.

Audrey smiled, obviously prepared.

to the main ingredients of the potion Telepathist.

Alger said

seats away from The Hanged Man, Derrick Berg couldn’t understand a single word. He was very confused,

House of Lords, House of Commons, East Balam Shore, Feysac Empire,

What connection did it have with the fallen Giant King’s imperial household? Derrick looked at Justice and The Hanged Man,

Silver in the cursed lands? Derrick remained silent and listened on. He had a faint understanding of why the mysterious Fool mentioned that he might not be able to receive the monetary compensation Justice was going

this far away from each other, disregarding the terrifying monsters hiding in the darkness of the cursed lands, The Fool might really be a god, an ancient god… he

contact with a Beyonder circle and found out about a powerful person named

what you’re

know a Mr. Z… With such a similar code name, could he

to maintain his image and try not to give answers he wasn’t confident in.

Aurora Order is at odds with the Church of the Lord of Storms, the Church of the Eternal Blazing Sun, and the Church of

know that you come under the Lord of Storms. Of course, you could be a whistleblower… But why would there

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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