As he looked into Klein’s eyes, Dunn took a deep breath and leaned back. Then, he slowly exhaled as he spoke.

“Are you certain?”

There were minor changes in his facial expression. He seemed to be well prepared for the special application, but he hadn’t expected it to be so soon.

Captain, why do you look relieved… Klein didn’t conceal his smile as he said, “I’m certain, Captain. When you fully master a potion, you’ll feel a very special and magical sensation. You’ll have no doubt that you’ve fully mastered the potion.”

“Special, magical feeling…” Dunn muttered those words softly and his eyebrows slowly knitted together.

Huh, the Captain advanced twice without fully digesting the potion? Of course, if he didn’t know about the “acting method,” it would be difficult to fully digest it. He must’ve used a prolonged period of time to break it down and was subconsciously “acting” to minimize the risk of losing control… Poor Captain… Klein quietly looked at Dunn Smith, but he didn’t speak or say anything further so as to allow Dunn to think carefully.

After almost a minute, Dunn’s deep eyes reflected Klein’s figure once again. He weighed his words before he said, “Maybe it would be a better option to wait another year.”

What the Captain means is that waiting another year would make it less conspicuous. With the example that Madam Daly set for me, the higher-ups wouldn’t pay too much attention to me. At most, I would only be put on a list for observation , Klein thought and answered frankly, “At first, I wanted to wait until next year to send in my special application. After all, there are too many things that I need to master. For instance, my combat arts is only at the beginner level.

“But, Captain, don’t you think that we’ve experienced too many coincidences in the last two months? We were chasing after the kidnappers when we came across the Antigonus Notebook in the opposite room. The shipment of Sealed Artifact 2-049 was delayed, but Ray Bieber didn’t leave Tingen and tried to digest the power at the harbor. I went to attend a birthday banquet and triggered Hanass Vincent’s incident. I went to investigate at the library and ran into a member of the Aurora Order…

“I don’t know what these coincidences mean, but I feel insecure. That’s why I want to enhance myself in the best possible way.”

Klein seized the opportunity to talk about the manipulator behind the scenes. It was something he had planned to include in his schedule—without exposing his uniqueness, he would remind the Nighthawks to make them search for more clues from different angles. What he said earlier would only lead the other Nighthawks to conclude that Klein had a discerning mind and was good at organizing his thoughts.

The moment Klein said the word “but,” Dunn’s body leaned forward. In the end, he steepled his fingers in front of his mouth.

He fixed his gaze and remained quiet, seemingly thinking about what Klein had said.

After a while, Dunn lifted his head and said in a mellow and deep voice, “Very perceptive… Perhaps there really is something lurking in the dark.”

Without waiting for Klein to speak, he instructed, “You can submit the special application.”

“Alright.” Klein lifted the corner of his lips when he answered.

He got up with a smile and walked towards the door. As expected, he heard a familiar additional remark.

“Hold on,” Dunn called out. He weighed his words and said, “Take note of your choice of words.”

Don’t worry, Captain. I place a far greater importance on this matter than you do!Klein nodded in agreement with a smile.

At first, he thought Dunn would propose that they avoid going through the Holy Cathedral and instead advance to Sequence 8 in secret. Then they could go through the normal procedure after three years. However, after he thought it through, he realized that it was impossible. Regardless of whether it was through a special application or a normal application, the person who was going to advance still had to be investigated by the Holy Cathedral; the only difference was that one method was relatively simple and the other was more complicated.

If he had become a Sequence 8 in secret, then it could put the entire Tingen Nighthawks in trouble.

basement in a hurry but walked to the clerk’s office next door

woman sitting in the office. The man was in his thirties and the woman was in her twenties; they

greeting. They were curious and in awe

didn’t chat with them but found an empty desk and began writing a draft

he already had a draft in his head, it only took about ten minutes

of times and amending parts of it, he sat before the Akerson Model 1346 typewriter and started typing his draft onto a

They left the office and went to the reception hall to chat with Rozanne, allowing Klein to have some

the need to maintain secrecy… Klein stole a glance at

work again and continued tapping

his special application, Leonard Mitchell came out of the restroom. He looked around while he buttoned his shirt.

writing?” Leonard looked around the clerk’s office as he leaned against the door frame with his right foot tiptoed to

eyes examined

the last word and the last punctuation mark. He

“Special application.”

application?” Leonard asked,

paper and skimmed through it quickly. He casually explained, “A special application to advance to

Cough! Leonard suddenly coughed vigorously. He calmed

special application and

chuckle, “I remember someone told me once that there are some people who are special, people

“Such as me.

“Such as you.”

his standing posture and take his hands out his pockets to cross them in front of

organized his words. He asked in a low voice, “Don’t you think that

is he referring to the attention from the higher-ups in the Church? Klein explained while in thought, “Leonard, do you remember the first task that we worked

what he mentioned to

expression grew heavy, and he

muttered to himself and said,

as he said, “Aren’t you going to share your experience with us? The experience to quickly grasp a potion and avoid the risk of losing

guy sure can put on a facade quickly… Klein smiled and

his Nighthawk teammates

to Dunn Smith. At most, he could describe the


Royale who was taking her shift

as if he was reciting a poem, “Let me introduce this man next to

is so dramatic… Klein

famous and barely sold any books, cocked her

don’t joke around. You’re always exaggerating things.” Kenley covered his

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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