How enviable it is for Miss Justice to always maintain a cheerful mood. I wish I could be like that… Listening to her lively greetings, Klein couldn’t help but sigh wistfully.

He then recalled the time when she had taken out a thousand pounds so easily, and he realized that it would be very difficult if he wanted to maintain his cheerful emotions like Miss Justice.

The Sun, Derrick Berg, was a young man that cared a lot about his reputation. He immediately replied, “I have obtained the Telepathist formula.”

For the past week, he had been settling the inheritance that his parents had left him. Besides the property, furniture, and a few sentimental items, the rest of the valuable items were brought to the black market in the City of Silver in exchange for the Telepathist formula and the Bard potion’s ingredients. His meals were now rationed.

However, he believed that the situation wouldn’t be for long. When he passes the combat examination, he would then join the team that cleansed the Things of the Dark in the outskirts of the city and be paid a decent amount.

When I become stronger, I’ll apply to become a member of the elite squad, to explore the depths of the dark and find a way to remove the curse… Derrick thought with hope as he looked towards The Fool who was engulfed in the fog.

He noticed that last time, after Miss Justice made a request to Mr. Fool, she was able to produce a page of the unknown Roselle diary out of thin air!

Although Derrick didn’t quite understand what had happened, he felt that it’d be better if he watched Mr. Fool.

“First, recall the formula in your head. Then, grab the pen by your side and instill it with the strong desire to express your thoughts.” Klein casually leaned back in his high chair.

As The Sun was from the City of Silver, which might be the Forsaken Land of the Gods, the pen that instantiated before him wasn’t a fountain pen, but a quill instead.

Of course, there still wasn’t any ink.

Derrick didn’t dare to doubt what The Fool said, so he immediately grabbed the quill that suddenly appeared by his hand.

He followed The Fool’s instruction, and as expected, he saw the Telepathist potion formula appear on the brown goatskin parchment before him within seconds.

After looking through it twice, Derrick silently pushed the promised item towards Miss Justice.

Audrey was overjoyed and eager, but she took the parchment gracefully. She glanced at the page, and the words that Klein had translated came into sight.

“Main ingredients: Phantom Netherdrake’s complete pituitary gland, 10 ml of Half Specter Rabbit.

“Supplementary ingredients…”

I’ve never heard of… Hmm, I don’t know enough. Audrey, who had been trying to learn more about the different types and names

she would completely

heard a light rapping sound. She quickly looked towards the seat of honor at the long

Fool rapping at the edge of the table with his right index finger while he

Audrey was confused as her eyes

her eyes suddenly saw some changes on the Telepathist formula. There were remarks next to

complete pituitary gland (also known as Rainbow Salamander), 10 ml of Half Specter Rabbit

“Supplementary ingredients…”

these! Audrey was stunned at first, then there was an intense surge

towards the


you describe a godlike figure with the

to knowledge itself to a certain

because this wasn’t something he could’ve done just because he had chanced upon

Sun into the Tarot Club, he had been taking precautions against such problems by taking into consideration The Sun’s special circumstances of being from the City of Silver. He had been constantly studying ancient terminology. Therefore, even if Daxter Guderian hadn’t managed

we say, “Preparedness averts peril…” Klein thought

Telepathist formula a few times and then reined in her gaze unwillingly. She then personally expressed Roselle’s diary

Fool. “In

only cost her twenty pounds, while the Sheriff formula at Sequence 8 required 450

from the perspective of simple math, she had to pay another 430 pounds on top of the

felt that it was thanks to her luck that the seller didn’t know the value

fifty pounds per page! Audrey held her fist and

I’ve only seen that much money at Sir Deweyville’s place…Klein sighed and pretended to not be interested in money as

my adorer’s

through The Fool’s mouth

branch last Wednesday while investigating the houses with

the corresponding password in order to withdraw cash from any Backlund

to add in a signature and thumbprint verification. But that would be

his identity secret, Klein left it with

doesn’t belong to this era, the mysterious ruler above the gray fog; the King of Yellow

reciting my name. Then, I’ll immediately receive a signal, and can simply find out who’s the one trying

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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