After leaving Azik’s house, Klein took a public carriage back to Daffodil Street.

As he opened the door to his house, he suddenly saw a figure sitting in his dining room.

Klein instinctively tightened his grip on the cane in his hand, but quickly realized what was going on. It wasn’t a thief, but his maid, Bella.

Bella was focused on reading a spread-out newspaper on the table. She jumped in shock when she heard the door open, quickly standing up and stammering, “I-I was just done with the tasks for the morning. I was w-waiting for the water to boil so that I could eat some bread.”

I’m still not really used to having a maid in the house… Klein mocked himself. He took off his hat and nodded.

“Reading is a good habit. To be able to persist in reading, despite the busy workload, is something that’s encouraged by the Goddess.”

He used the name of the Goddess just in case Bella took his compliment as sarcasm.

But in reality, only the God of Knowledge and Wisdom would place this much emphasis on reading… Of course, all of the Churches advocate education… Yes, since she’s about 18 years old and believes in the Goddess, Bella’s love for reading must be influenced by her parents. Parents like this would send their daughter to receive an education as long as they can afford it. Even if they cannot afford public schools, there are always the free schools provided by the Church. At most, it would just delay her education… Thus, Bella isn’t illiterate. She can understand words and read the newspaper… Klein thought as he walked into the living room after setting his cane down.

He had quite a good impression of Bella.

Even though she was a little clumsy and obviously not used to the kitchen, she had shown a willingness to learn.

Bella let her hands hang down and said, embarrassed, “I didn’t have the opportunity to read many newspapers in the past. The landlord didn’t let us use old newspapers to clean the walls… I stole a glance at it when I picked up the newspapers just now to clean the coffee table. I thought that-that it was rather interesting.”

What a pitiful lady. When I transmigrated, newspapers were the least interesting of things… Klein thought as he lampooned. He smiled and took out the silver pocket watch from his pocket. After looking at the time, he said, “As long as you complete your tasks and do them well, you are free to do whatever you want with the rest of your time. You don’t need to be too nervous. Of course, if I’m having a chat with Benson and Melissa, it’s best that you stay in your room. I will allow you to use the lamp inside and take a few old newspapers with you.”

“Oh, please knock at my door at one in the afternoon, then prepare a cup of Sibe black tea, two pieces of soft white bread, a piece of wheat toast, and a small plate of butter for me.”

In order to celebrate his advancement to Sequence 8, Klein decided to spoil himself slightly. He was going to eat the white bread ahead of Benson who was planning on having it over the weekend.

Well, I’ll buy eight more pounds of bread soon. In the future, we shall make the change in our staple dish, from wheat bread to white bread! As a Sequence 8 Beyonder, my weekly pay is definitely going to increase… To think that the Captain didn’t mention this… He forgot again! Klein froze for a moment and decided to clarify it tomorrow.

“Alright,” Bella replied in surprise and joy.

Following that, she asked with a little uncertainty, “Mr. Klein, do you mean the Sibe black tea used to entertain guests?”

him by his first name as Moretti could be

future.” Klein waved his hand and made

suddenly noticed that he was in a decent financial

time being. He only needed to spend two soli on transport while he was investigating

was a sum of 300 pounds in Klein’s anonymous bank account. It was important to understand that one are 1 of land in the countryside only cost five to six and a half soli, which was another way of saying that Klein could afford 920 to 1200 ares of farmland, which was equivalent to 137 to 179 mou 2 back on Earth. Furthermore, this sum of money could allow Klein to buy a house on Daffodil Street on a

convert all that money into land, I’ll get between 23 and 31 pounds a year in rent… That’s not bad, but not necessary for the time being. I’ll use that 300 pounds for emergencies…

Cogitation. He wanted

thought of the term “losing control” very lightly until he saw the Mandated Punisher who had

know that Mandated Punisher personally. He also didn’t know what had happened to him. He subconsciously thought of him

an average person would make comments about a murder they saw on the news before forgetting

Old Neil shook Klein greatly. It made him realize very clearly that losing control was always

lesson… Klein ended his Cogitation and

in the past few days, jolting awake in the process and finding himself drenched

but also worried about his future. If he didn’t have Cogitation to help him sleep, he believed that there would be many sleepless nights in

emotions and desires. I have to keep them within reasonable levels and not be consumed by them… Klein exhaled and

him greatly. It made him critically assess the responsibilities of a Nighthawk for the first time. It

didn’t intend to waste his afternoon. He was going to continue his combat

in the afternoon, on a crude

from the movements of a decent

this happened in the short span of forty

for Klein to stop and sized him up. He couldn’t help but ask, “What

performance to scientific research when Gawain added, “You don’t need to answer if

know? Klein heaved a sigh of relief. He smiled as he said, “Teacher, how long do you

with a raspy voice, “Two or three days, but that

in thought, “Being able to take part in actual combat isn’t the same as being good at fighting. The

over weapons that you can bring with you, for example, a cane, whips,


experienced gaze

lose here might save your life

pumped himself up and

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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