Upon hearing The Fool’s question, Audrey perked up her ears and entered her Spectator state. She waited for The Sun to answer.

She had always been curious about where the City of Silver was and what was so special about that place, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask. It touched upon his privacy after all.

At that moment, Mr. Fool was asking personally. It was like finishing the first volume of an outstanding detective novel she had been reading for a long time, and she finally had the chance to buy the next volume!

The Sun’s answer didn’t disappoint her. They didn’t believe in the mainstream seven orthodox deities, nor did they believe in Death as the Southern Continent did. They also didn’t believe in the hidden existences, evil gods or devils—Primordial Demoness, Hidden Sage, Dark Side of the Universe, Chained God, or the True Creator—which The Hanged Man had told her before.

The City of Silver is really special! They actually worship the Creator Himself! This is the primordial worship that Mr. Hanged Man described, right? Hmm, the description of omnipotence is a little strange… Audrey stole a glance at The Hanged Man subconsciously and realized that he was nodding slightly.

Klein wasn’t surprised at all. He purposely chuckled and asked in reply, “Even though He abandoned you?”

Abandoned? The Creator abandoned the City of Silver? Alger was shocked. Suddenly when he suddenly made the connection regarding a particular term.

The Forsaken Land of the Gods!

In the confidential information of the Church of the Lord of Storms, at the security clearance level that Alger, who was Captain—equivalent to the Bishop level—could access, the Forsaken Land of the Gods had always only been a name with no actual description. However, it clearly pointed towards the end of the Sonia Sea. From what he knew, even the Cardinals at the core of the church had no idea what the Forsaken Land of the Gods represented. But only the leader of the church, the Proxy of the Lord of Storms, knew something about the situation and seemed to be taking charge of the hidden mission to look for the Forsaken Land of the Gods.

Alger had once made a bold guess when he equated the True Creator’s holy residence which was promoted by the Aurora Order with the Forsaken Land of the Gods. But, unfortunately, The Fool hadn’t confirmed his guess, so he couldn’t be sure.

Now, he was shocked and surprised to find that the Tarot Club member using The Sun as his code name was very likely from the Forsaken Land of the Gods!

Mr. Fool knew where the Forsaken Land of the Gods was all this time, and he could pull someone from there to be a member of the Gathering! This is a hidden place that the Church of the Lord of Storms has been trying to find to no avail!

Alger looked at The Fool who was seated in the seat of honor at the end of the ancient long bronze table in horror. He could only see that he was leaning back in his chair in silence, engulfed by the thick fog.

Audrey wasn’t particularly moved about it. The only time that she had heard about the Forsaken Land of the Gods was from The Hanged Man’s question. She wasn’t particularly interested, so she failed to associate it to anything from what Mr. Fool said earlier.

the Creator… Huh, Mr. Hanged Man seems to be deeply affected… What

we believe that we will regain the Lord’s favor in the end. Perhaps, it will be on the day the sun rises again,” Derrick Berg answered in an uncertain tone. “We were once ruled by the giants’ royal family, and we worshiped the

match…Alger, who had guessed at something, suddenly recalled the description about the Second

elves, mutants, devils, phoenixes, demonic wolves, and dead spirits. But in the end, the Lord of Storms, Eternal Blazing Sun, and the God of Knowledge and Wisdom led humanity into defeating the supernatural creatures and ushered in the beginning of


myths, it was a great existence on par with the deities. Even now, there were still some places that worshiped him. Even the most famous and most expensive grape wine in the Intis Republic was named after Aurmir. It was said that the

pathway of the Warrior, which once belonged to the giants, can I assume that Aurmir was the

any further about it. He then asked calmly, “Do you still

still do. But since the day we were abandoned, we have never gotten

chair leisurely. He half-closed his eyes

He want to determine if the

afraid, but he was also excited too. This was because he

like he had been elevated to a whole

to achieve this kind of feeling?

Man’s mental state doesn’t seem to be normal… Audrey looked at

might be some sort of shocking secret behind the communication between Mr. Fool and The

Mr. Hanged Man learned today…

his answer as he replied frankly, “We build opulent altars covered in the Lord’s symbol. Every time we receive a bumper Black-Faced Grass harvest, we hold a sacrificial

in the depths of the darkness to use as sacrificial offerings. After we recite God’s honorable title and the necessary prayers, we dance for Him and then kill the monsters, to let their spirituality and tainted blood dye the entire altar. If we haven’t caught any monsters, then we use a sinner on the lowest floor

the very first batch of Black-Faced Grass into

end, we sing praises in

the aid of the monsters’ spirituality or the blood containing Beyonder powers to complete the sacrifice offering. Of course, this

Fool on how to shake off the curse, so

“The corresponding prayers are,


for you to

to open the gates to your

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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