The weather in Tingen turned from refreshing cool to a bitingly chill in early September. However, the sunlight at three or four in the afternoon was still warm and soothing.

Klein went through the wall of spirituality and the oriel window. He floated in the air outside of his bedroom as he overlooked the people and carriages shuttling to and fro Daffodil Street.

Just then, there was a man in a gray labor uniform who suddenly lifted his head and looked over.

Klein panicked and wanted to hide, but he couldn’t find any suitable cover.

When he didn’t see anything to hide behind, he started to sneak back into his house. However, from the corner of his eye, he saw the man earlier merely glanced over the window. Then, his gaze followed a flying sparrow, but unfortunately, he lost sight of it.

In Tingen, birds could occasionally be seen.

Phew… I forgot that an ordinary person wouldn’t be able to see me… Klein let out a breath of relief and felt that he had yet to get used to the situation.

As he grew more confident, he flew lower and went to a nearby spacious street where he floated above people’s heads.

As he drew closer, Klein immediately realized that his “vision” was the same as his Spirit Vision. There was no need for him to activate it, but there was a restriction to its range.

Also, besides the aura and emotional colors, he could faintly feel the existence of everyone’s soul. They were blurry, illusory, and transparent.

In this state, I think I could bypass a person’s body and directly attack their soul…Klein nodded thoughtfully.

He circled around and prepared to test his fastest speed. Hence, he flew towards Iron Cross Street with all his strength.

It didn’t take long before he came to a halt and arrived outside the apartment he used to stay in.

It should be about the speed of a car on the highway… It’s a pity that I still can’t go in and out of the spirit world; otherwise, it’d be perfect… But if I were to be lost in the spirit world, it’s said that the consequences are very severe. Just as Klein finished his self-evaluation, he felt low-spirited and gloomy. There was an unspoken pressure.

He looked around and felt that Iron Cross Street was engulfed with gloominess that ordinary people could see, a darkness that the sunlight couldn’t dispel. There were layers of numbness, despair, pain, and other emotions overlapping, as though they were corporeal.

It feels just like what I experienced when using spiritual perception on this street when I first became a Seer. Iron Cross Street’s Middle Street and Lower Street hasn’t changed to this day… I wonder how many years it took to accumulate such oppression and gloominess… Klein recalled the past and sighed as he flew up to the third floor of the surrounding buildings.

He finally felt sunlight and shook off his depression.

in tattered clothes, looking expressionless and malnourished. He even ran into two bodies that

died in agony every month. However, the bankrupt farmers and slaves that surged in from the

ceramic factories, printing factories, metalworks factories, machine construction factories, and other factories all built right next to one

saw dust filling the air and a thick gloominess that was only slightly better

and numbness. Laborers who were

area more closely, he suddenly felt weak. It was a weakness that came from

in a hurry to return home, but he suddenly

I would return naturally! He calmed down and carefully felt the surrounding environment and his status. Unsurprisingly, he discovered something that was connected to him from infinitely far away but also infinitely close to him. It formed an

clenched the Flaring Sun Charm tightly and willed the

terrifying suction force overwhelmed him as his figure went from transparent to nearly invisible, and in a flash,

the lofty palace that looked like the home of a giant, as he sat in the

Furthermore… Klein looked at his Spirit Body in pleasant surprise and saw that it contained a warm and

The Flaring Sun Charm!

charm with a smile and fiddled

paced back and forth, feeling completely gratified. He

and items can be brought into

need to find the

it would damage The Fool’s image. I can only do that occasionally, or after I understand

I’m not some born laborer. Why must the incantation point towards me? When the time comes, I can conjure what seems like a messenger or a more unique “adorer” and let it deal with the dispatch and

limitation of his capabilities and knowledge, he couldn’t put them into practice

weaker, Klein didn’t dare to stay any longer. He used his

returned to his bedroom. He saw splendid

Sun Charm wasn’t

little longer. That way, I would be able to investigate the houses with red chimneys. It’s such a pity that I can’t do it yet. I could only fly long enough to investigate a few houses before having to return above the gray fog and rest for half a day. The efficiency would be just as low. Klein walked before his desk

immediately. Instead, he sat down and took out a pen and paper to write a letter—a letter to Mr.

he wrote the salutation of “Dear Sir,” he pondered for

Backlund. He carries a mystical item called the ‘Creeping Hunger.’ It provides an ability similar to a Shepherd, which is a Sequence 5 Beyonder that swallows different

The news I received suggested that he might be after a

fabricated his source of information to generally describe the situation with Qilangos, but it wasn’t like Mr. Azik would look for a Nighthawk Captain to

seem like he brought up the subject

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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