“Madam Sharon?” Dunn obviously knew of Baron Khoy’s widow, a famous socialite in Tingen.

Maynard’s wife turned her head to shoot a glance at the scrawny lady who came with her to the Blackthorn Security Company, but she didn’t speak for herself.

The scrawny lady in the black dress and hat weighed her words before she spoke.

“Yes, Madam Sharon, the wife of the deceased Baron Khoy. She, she…”

She stammered, then suddenly spat in anger, “She’s a b*tch!”

Upon hearing her curse, Klein suddenly recalled the porno that he had seen and Madam Sharon’s behavior which appeared nervous on the surface but was calm deep down. That made him believe the rumors about her, and he felt sorry for the deceased old baron.

It’s not like Madam Sharon can’t remarry. But her loose behavior… really makes the old baron’s grave a perfect nesting ground for cuckoos…

Dunn didn’t have much of a change in his facial expression. He sat on the sofa opposite and said with his mellow voice, “But that doesn’t make her a criminal.

“You know clearly, and I know it clearly too. Madam Sharon is very influential in Tingen. If we were to follow her and monitor her, there could be very serious consequences for us.”

“She’s a criminal!” the scrawny lady said angrily. “She caused my brother’s death, but those lovers of hers pressured the police department and made them pronounce that my brother died of excessive drinking and continuous indulgence in sexual pleasure. Th-they are all criminals!”

Those… Klein realized that the scrawny lady was Maynard’s sister while feeling sorry for the old baron once again.

That’s right, for such a scandal, she would definitely not send a maidservant here. It’s better if the request is made by family… He nodded his head in enlightenment.

Mrs. Maynard patted the back of the scrawny woman’s hand and added with a deep yet cold voice, “She’s a criminal! If you suffer any damages because of this, I will compensate you for your losses.”

That tone… She lives up to her identity as the daughter of the New Party’s head. If the police department wasn’t very confident with the result of my mediumship ritual, I’m afraid they would’ve submitted under her pressure… Klein lampooned inwardly.

Dunn was silent for nearly twenty seconds before he said, “Alright… I have another question. Why do you seem to be so certain that we would find something?”

The scrawny lady nodded and said, “The tobacco merchant, Vickroy, introduced us here. He said that you’re the cream of the crop in this industry and can complete missions that others aren’t capable of completing.”

The tobacco merchant Vickroy… Who’s he? Klein looked at Captain subconsciously and noticed that Dunn Smith looked really confused.

silly, why did I hope for Captain to remember something like this… After all, even I don’t quite remember… He

elite mercenaries looked confused, so she added, “You saved his

That kidnap case led me to the discovery of the Antigonus family’s notebook… Klein was

slightly and

out her offer, “You are to tail and monitor th-that b*tch for two weeks. Even if you don’t find any evidence of her crime, you have to take note of who visited her and who she visited. We will pay fifty

find evidence of her crimes, we

only spent seven pounds to hire Detective Henry to gather so

for a moment before saying, “No problem, we can sign the contract now. You’ll have to pay a deposit

in manpower right now. There’s the huge case regarding Lanevus… Klein didn’t expect Dunn Smith to accept the mission although he, himself, was quite keen

and said, “No problem. I believe in you. Please don’t disappoint

turned his head and told Rozanne, “Please write

Mrs. Maynard and the scrawny lady leave the Blackthorn Security Company. He then looked sideways at Klein and said, “This mission will

“Huh?” Klein looked confused.

is a great opportunity. It also turns out that you’re done with your part


as he accepted, his mind began whirling

funding for the team. The remaining would

investigation succeeds, there will be at least twenty-five pounds of income. On top of that, I’ll receive my usual weekly pay… If I really could find some clues, I could even receive a hundred


and Frye in the morning, and put your combat training on hold for

imagine Leonard using only one method which was playing his Feynapotter lute while singing melodious poetry. Then, he would probably seduce Madam Sharon to bed in order to “monitor her up close.” As for

thoughts churned,

the partition. Suddenly, he paused, turned around, and hesitated before

the tobacco merchant? What’s

Why were you

a hurry to tail Madam Sharon, even though

monitoring alone makes it difficult to take note of everything. Unless you don’t eat, drink, sleep, and go home,” Leonard had said. Hence, Klein

be reimbursed… Why does it feel like I’m subcontracting… On Friday afternoon, Klein received the investigation report from

was then interpreted and organized by their semi-literate boss who had attended Sunday School for a year. Klein got a headache just from reading it and took quite a

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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