There’s danger in there. Not very high, but it isn’t very low either…

This means that Madam Sharon is still in the building. She hasn’t fled yet…

Klein froze for a moment, quickly realizing the reason.

He had entered a unique state by summoning himself to inspect the safe. He hadn’t forcefully broken the lock when he was inspecting the secret compartment, nor did he activate any hidden traps. Thus, Madam Sharon wouldn’t have discovered that her secret had been exposed. She would only think that there was a break in, or some private investigator was checking on her to no avail.

In such a situation, it was logical that she would continue to stay home. It made logical sense.

To lose composure from a tiny matter and overreact wasn’t the Madam Sharon whom Klein had come to understand. She was a calm socialite who was capable of acting afraid and pitiful, as well as a Beyonder member of the Demoness Sect who had kept her identity hidden for many years.

If the telephone had been invented, Madam Sharon definitely would’ve called one of her lovers and complained about the security in Tingen City whilst hinting that it was Madam Maynard… Klein began imagining a melodramatic plot. He told Dunn and Kenley the results of his divination as well as his guess.

“That’s the most reasonable deduction.” Dunn pressed down on his hat as he looked at the second floor of Madam Sharon’s apartment. “There’s no need for us to rush in.”

“Why?” Kenley, who was holding Sealed Artifact 3-0217, instinctively asked.

He was filled with fear towards the Spirit Medium Mirror in his hands. He was afraid that some unexpected event would arise from the Sealed Artifact.

Dunn wore his black gloves and looked at Klein.

“Do you still remember what happened when we tried to capture Instigator Trissy?”

“I remember,” Klein replied after some thought. “She seemed to be able to detect our presence and make the necessary responses, which resulted in her successful escape.”

I also remember suggesting the use of bombarding the house when the Captain asked me how I would deal with the situation. That was the safest, most surefire method. But not this time… We can’t use it here as there are many innocent maids in Madam Sharon’s house. If we notified them in advance and got them to evacuate, that would definitely catch Madam Sharon’s attention. According to Leonard, Trissy could turn invisible. We have to assume that Madam Sharon has that ability too…Klein connected the dots at once.

Dunn looked at the crimson moon in the sky and said, “Good, your answer is very good. You’re rather intuitive in such situations.

“We cannot approach recklessly and end up alarming Madam Sharon. I’ll try dragging her into a dream from a distance. If I’m successful, you and Kenley will go and capture her… Well… You can make the decision of whether to kill her or not. Kill her if you cannot control her. Your safety is of utmost importance.”

Captain, your line of thought is always so clear at such critical moments! I was just waiting for you to say that! Klein praised in his heart.

Over the months, Klein had grasped most of the unique traits of the different Beyonder powers of his partners when he was casually chatting with Dunn, Leonard, Frye, and the rest. Amongst those, Dunn Smith, who was a Nightmare, could freely enter the dreams of a sleeping person even though he was at home or at the Blackthorn Security Company.

But how he did it was a secret of his own Sequence, and Klein didn’t ask about it too deeply.

The ability to drag someone into a dream had a limited range and was normally used during direct confrontations.

hundred meter radius. But he needed

moment, Dunn was going to drag the distant Madam Sharon into a sleeping state, a little at a time. After completing the first stages of the restraint, he was going to create

also rather accepting of

of a wall and shut his eyes. He put his hands together and lowered

In the opulent bedroom.

leaning on her comfortable rocking chair, completely naked. Her fair and

turned her head towards the full-length mirror to admire

in her eyes. Her expression

goddess was sitting on the table beside her. The thick strands of hair seemed gentle under the warm,

looked into the mirror decreased. Bit by bit, her eyelids couldn’t help but

turned into minutes when Klein suddenly recalled something. How was the Captain going to notify Kenley and himself after he successfully dragged

and she would notice that something was off… I wonder if the Captain is capable of giving hand signs while dreaming at the same time? Klein looked

moment, his mind turned into a blur. He saw a giant crimson moon, as well as Captain Dunn

he too was

a dream by the Captain… So that’s how he was going to notify us. He

said, “Madam Sharon has entered a

to be careful, and don’t be too reckless… We would rather

world before Klein shattered. His eyes reflected Dunn Smith again. He was still at the corner of the wall, looking down

the other side, Kenley, who had

duo exchanged looks and nodded. Both of them entered a state to execute

first time Kenley was participating in a relatively dangerous mission, he was still more experienced than Klein. He had attended many official missions, so he quickly adjusted

augmentation the night had on a Sleepless. This was also one of

As a Sequence 8, Klein took on the role of

object. He gripped the tightly-wrapped mirror and softened his footsteps as

he scaled the wall previously. He grabbed onto the crevices of the wall and made it to the top

and turned around, bending down and grabbing the Spirit Medium Mirror Kenley had

the mirror, Klein felt his spiritual perception tighten suddenly. It was as if what was covered by the black cloth wasn’t a mirror,

it… Klein internally muttered to himself wistfully as

had placed his cane beside Dunn. Klein didn’t dwell on

through the garden to the side of the building, he climbed the pipe up

feet, allowing his body to fall, once again taking

But immediately, he nodded his head

his own actions. He exerted a force using his waist, and, with the support of his left hand, he

Why did I move like that? It felt so natural… Is that an ability of the Clown? He thought back

to easily make his way up, Klein handed the Spirit Medium Mirror back to him before

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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