Synonym of war… A similar Sequence as the Demoness Sequence pathway… Which one would it be? Klein watched the movie-like scene as he recalled the Sequence pathways that he knew of.

As he was only an official Nighthawk, there was still a lot of information that he couldn’t access. He was still in the dark about the names of the Mid to High Sequences and their corresponding traits. He only knew about the few that he had learned of from the Eternal Blazing Sun, such as the Priest of Light and the Unshadowed; the God of Combat Sequence pathway that he found out from the young man, Sun, such as Dawn Paladin, Guardian, and Demon Hunter; as well as Spirit Guide and Gatekeeper which he found out from Daly and Dunn.

Hence, it was difficult for him to judge which Sequence pathway would be a synonym of war. He could only eliminate them one by one, such as the God of Combat Sequence pathway which seemed more like individual battles rather than war.

Klein thought about it and minimized the scope to five options.

First, was the Arbiter Sequence pathway which the Loen Kingdom’s ruler, the Augustus family, and the Feynapotter Kingdom’s Castiya family were in control of. But Klein felt that this option was the least likely because the Arbiter’s corresponding Sequence 8 was Sheriff and Sequence 7 was Interrogator, which both seemed to be leaning towards trial and judgment but not towards war.

Second, was the Fourth Epoch Solomon Empire’s pathway of the Dark Emperor. Its Sequence 9’s modern name was Lawyer, which was good at discovering and using the flaws and weaknesses of an opponent, while also possessing outstanding eloquence and logical thinking. That was the second lowest possible Sequence pathway. He suspected that the development of the Sequence would make use of rules and walked in the shadow of order. Of course, war was also considered as one of the shadows of order.

Third, was the Hunter Sequence pathway that was in the control of the Feysac Empire’s rulers, the Einhorn family; the Intis Republic’s former royal family, the Sauron family, and also the hidden organization that only appeared in the last two to three hundred years, the Iron and Blood Cross Order. Klein thought it was quite possible.

The Nighthawk’s confidential information described Hunters as excellent trackers, outstanding trap masters, and superb hunters. The corresponding Sequence 8 was Provoker, while Sequence 7 was Pyromaniac. Both were partially associated with massacre and war.

Fourth was the ancient organization Blood Sanctify Sect that worshiped demons. They were in control of the Criminal Sequence pathway. From the sequence title itself, Klein felt that it had a high possibility.

Fifth was the Rose School of Thought that was known for bloody rituals. They had the Prisoner Sequence pathway, and the reason was the same as the one before.

Just as Klein was drowning in his own thoughts, the scene before him changed. Madam Sharon had just finished showering, and her wet hair hung low. There was a fresh yet seductive charm on her face.

I can’t see the woman in the white robe that turned Madam Sharon into a Demoness… It might be because my psychic ability is still lacking… Klein reined back his thoughts and redirected his attention to what was before his eyes.

Madam Sharon flipped her hair, and water droplets glided down her cheeks.

She looked towards the man who was waiting on the bed as she giggled and said, “Do you need me to take care of Maynard?”

The middle-aged man on the bed creased his eyebrows and shook his head. “Not unless you can guarantee that there won’t be any traces left behind. But that’s impossible; besides, what means do you have?”

Looking at the man before him, Klein was taken aback at first before suddenly feeling that it was within expectations.

The middle-aged man’s photo often appeared on the front page of the Tingen City Honest Paper and other newspapers. He was the current mayor that was looking to be re-elected, a member of Conservative Party.

Madam Sharon smiled but didn’t delve deeper into the topic. Her robe was halfway up her legs, and she walked gracefully to the side of the bed.

The scenery before him changed one after another until Klein saw many Members of Parliament, businessmen, and civil servants who appeared on the newspaper occasionally.

either discuss how to receive donations, bribe voters by going around the Campaign Act, or promise protection and solve problems. In the entire development, Madam Sharon acted as

Well, but why are there so many bed scenes… Many nobles and Members of Parliament knew that Madam Sharon had many lovers, so why did they look like they

guys in Tingen’s upper circles knew of Madam Sharon’s true

words, Maynard’s death was Madam Sharon’s own decision?

power to interfere in divination, and she could also create a sudden death from sexual pleasure and make the death appear

be one of the requirements of her “acting?” But she could definitely find someone whose identity and status wasn’t as sensitive. Then, the case

was extremely indignant. That made it highly likely that someone would be sent to investigate her, so why didn’t she move those sensitive items like the white

she so confident in the security of her safe and its

his suspicion, Klein saw that Madam Sharon’s spirit had yet to disperse. He seized the opportunity to

“Madam Sharon’s true

Klein entered a dream once

forth in her room. Finally, she drank the

scene dispersed quickly, leaving Klein even more confused since Maynard’s death looked

Klein muttered to himself and used another few

transparent and illusory, signifying that she was going to disappear

of the Demoness

of the Demoness

new divination statement. With the aid of Cogitation,

didn’t want to do the divination because he felt that the Demoness pathway only spread disaster and created pain. Even if he obtained a corresponding potion formula, he was unwilling

he had been able

the Demonesses in the future, he’d to learn more of

guessing the Psychology Alchemists sent some stronger members for an investigation, and he hasn’t dared to make any moves… As Klein’s thoughts flashed, he saw the dark hall again. He saw the woman in the holy white robe

hung her head low, and she could only see the other

she heard

Sequence 6 potion, the goal that you are about to advance to. If you succeed, you’ll

form of agony. This is also a maxim

making you better at seduction

Madam Sharon. After it

A pair of Succubus eyes, an

remnants of a Succubus’s hair, 10 grams

But now, the difference was that Madam Sharon had returned to her original state. She was now the young man

melodious female voice

name of the Sequence 7 potion,

called Witch!” “Madam Sharon” said in a rather

to the Primordial, we have to be more and more like ‘Her.’ She’s a woman, so we have to be women too,” The melodious female voice replied. “Either you give up or you accept. After you become a Witch, you’ll become a true woman, and your appearance and charm will be enhanced substantially. You’ll have the ability to turn invisible

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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