Beep! Beep! Beep! The telegram set up in the Captain’s office suddenly came to life, seemingly having received a new telegram.

But Klein and Leonard couldn’t be distracted. They were counting the movements of the second hand on the clock as their red eyes welled up with tears.




Just then, Dunn Smith carried the silver, bone-like square box into the reception hall with a solemn expression.

Megose, who was pulling out clump after clump of blond hair, tore a wound that was deep enough to show her bones. It was as though she was triggered by something. She suddenly stood and pointed at Dunn Smith in his black windbreaker. She shrieked, “You want to kill my child!

“You want to kill my child!”

Boom! The shrill and terrifying voice reverberated. Klein felt like he was being struck in the head with a sledgehammer. He suddenly forgot to count as he had a headache and felt dizzy.

His vision went red, and there seemed to be liquid flowing from the tip of his nose.

He subconsciously looked sideways, and he saw the corner of Leonard Mitchell’s eyes. The tip of his nose and the corners of his lips were covered in fresh blood. His face was extremely pale, and his body was wavering as though he was about to fall.

I’m probably in the same state… Klein reined back his thoughts and continued to count in silence as he skipped two numbers.



Struck by the terrifyingly sharp voice, Dunn Smith’s deep gray eyes were filled with red veins. Every single strand was crystal clear.

The blood vessels in his face protruded out as well; every one of them like a poisonous snake. There was also a gurgle as red liquid flowed out of his ears as well.

Despite that, he did feel dizzy. Other than his right hand pausing, his strong willpower drove him to press down on Saint Selena’s urn and open the lid.

Inside the box, there was deep darkness. In the darkness, there was fine resplendent sand. The scene was magically beautiful, just like a starry night being stored in a box.

The surroundings suddenly became dark, and the darkness engulfed the entire reception hall. In the air, there were countless black, cold, and smooth threads were floating.

They surged towards Megose and entangled her almost instantly.

It wasn’t like a spider web, but more like the tentacles of some unknown creature!

of flesh underneath

away by a formless force and slammed heavily into the wall

his hands were still tightly holding onto Saint Selena’s urn. He held onto it for dear life and kept it from falling to

spot. No matter how much blight-tainted flames rose up suddenly, or how her skin began to secrete a liquid that smelt like brimstone, neither of those defenses dealt any




simultaneously. One of them was holding onto a warm thin gold slice, and the

her shoulders. They were a mixture of blood vessels and green

heads, cracks rapidly spread and seemingly turned into a pair of

danger approaching, and she opened her mouth. The corner

the Blaspheme Curse to every enemy

hand into

and the vessels protruded like bunch

in her throat as

seemed to have lost the ability to



light, and there

the thin gold slice that was covered in mysterious patterns become boiling hot as he saw it emit a blinding light, as

the heels of that, Klein injected more than half his spirituality into it

The black fine threads that entangled Megose

freedom, she already

in the ceiling of the Blackthorn Security Company, and the hole went all the way to the rooftop of the

slice combined with the sunlight above Megose’s and immediately expanded in size. It went from a spherical light to a


building shook vigorously, and the glass windows on the nearby streets

of the spherical light concentrated its

Megose, and the light was so glaring that Klein, Dunn, and

saw that the light had dispersed, but the flames were still soaring. Among them, there were many black ashes dancing in

and the baby in her stomach were nowhere to be seen. Just like the coffee table, water glass, newspaper, and

it over? Did we finish the son of an evil god before it descended upon this world, taking “His” mother out at the same

video games told him that the

goosebumps all over. His Clown instincts told him that there was extreme danger

Klein rolled to the

an extremely sharp white bone blade cleaved the spot, seemingly out of nowhere. The monstrosity had an abnormal beauty, and it floated in mid-air. It was unbelievably


side of his chest was ripped apart, his skin ruptured, and his flesh,

so deep that he

wasn’t because he sensed danger approaching beforehand and dodged in

slowed down. Extreme pain filled

a figure rapidly flew out. If it wasn’t for the bump on its stomach,

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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