Mr. Door… This naming style is very similar to mine… I wonder what was the real name of this pathetic fellow who was lost and trapped in the deep darkness amidst the storms is, and what his Sequence is. Or rather, just as Emperor Roselle had guessed, he’s one of the evil gods or devils… Klein let out a silent chuckle which was mixed with ridicule and self-deprecating humor. He was also interested in the history of the Fourth Epoch.

“I know of the most famous ‘War of the Four Emperors’ in the Fourth Epoch, but the specific details and the main figures involved are limited to the information spread by the major Churches. For example, the ‘Dark Emperor’ of the Solomon Empire.

“It wasn’t until today that this so-called Mr. Door finally answered my questions by letting me know who the remaining three emperors are. The half-insane Blood Emperor of the Tudor Dynasty, the Night Emperor of the Trunsoest Empire, and the Emperor of the Underworld of the Southern Continent, also known as Death.

“According to Mr. Door’s description, in this war that changed the situation of the entire world, the Dark Emperor, Blood Emperor and Night Emperor fell one after another. The Emperor of the Underworld reaped the greatest benefits.

“Having said that, Mr. Door added with profound significance that after over a century of ‘digestion,’ Death went mad, but he also became stronger. Therefore, Death teamed up with the Primordial Demoness and brought about a Pale Disaster for the Northern Continent. Of course, this isn’t something he witnessed personally, but rather something that he hears when he comes close to the real world every month.

“Death went mad, but also became stronger!

“Even deities can go mad?

“What a horrifying sentence!

“However, this also confirms my guess. Before the Fifth Epoch, those deities would often descend into the real world, directly interfering with the situation in the Northern and Southern Continents. They might even personally appear just like Death.

“I asked Mr. Door if he had participated in the ‘War of the Four Emperors’? If so, what role did he play? And what was the position the seven deities maintained in this war? What role did they play?

“Mr. Door didn’t answer my question. He only said in a teasing manner that the number of pre-eminent mighty figures in the Fourth Epoch far exceeds my imagination.

“In addition, he also mentioned two laws, one is the Law of Beyonder Characteristics Indestructibility, and the other is the Law of Similar Sequence Beyonder Characteristics Conservation, which is consistent with certain things that I have learned from that most secret and ancient organization, and also from some of the phenomena I have observed. Heh, this can lead to many interesting conclusions, making many explanations take on other forms, making one’s mind tremble in horror. For example, when there are too many High-Sequence Beyonders in the same Sequence pathway, the Low-Sequence Beyonders would reduce, and vice-versa.

“… The Beyonder Characteristics had been fixed at the source. It will not increase or decrease. Does this mean that there really is a God who created all the deities, an omnipotent and omniscient God, and everything originated from Him?”

This was the longest Roselle diary that Klein had ever seen. It took up two full pages, and one could imagine that it originally came on a double-sided page. It only became two separate pages after repeated copying.

of information… Klein sighed

came one after the other in a line, with a certain degree of restoration before a new political outcome was established. To his surprise, the War of the

of history. Klein suddenly thought of the original Klein, who was filled with

true deity during the War of the Four Emperors. It’s hard to determine according to Mr. Door’s descriptions. I can only first assume that

from the bottom of

it be that the so-called evil

might only be

that the end of

smiled to hide the growing solemnity of his emotions. He felt that the future he imagined was filled

and Night Emperor, believing them to be the pre-eminent mighty figures who were

centuries or over a millennium wouldn’t be unacceptable. That would explain the original Klein’s confusion. He had obtained contradictory findings from the content recorded in the Antigonus family’s notebook with his own mentor’s viewpoint. He believed that the

history of the Fourth Epoch… Emperor Roselle didn’t go into detail when describing his erroneous experiments and accidental

Conservation shares the same description as the one used by the

and High-Sequence Beyonders in the Seven Churches,

Characteristics, that the mere possession of resources causes it to be in trouble? Or could it be said

speaking, certain Sealed Artifacts could also be used as the main ingredients for potion materials, or they can even be considered equivalent to potions. Of course, the prerequisite

were unearthed called the Fourth Epoch, “the Epoch of the Gods.” So it turns out that in this epoch,

to the point

from ritualistic magic, perhaps many of them would’ve doubted the existence

came to Klein suddenly as he felt that he had delved deeper into the realm of mysticism in

to realize

well, and coupled with the gray fog’s obstruction, even Audrey, who was secretly observing him,

and started reading the third page

a long time, but I

had f**king sh*t for brains to chose the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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