If The Fool had simply mentioned that there was some simple general knowledge contained in Roselle’s diary, The Hanged Man, Alger, wouldn’t necessarily be determined to pay the “price” for the answer, partly because the description of it being “simple” killed his curiosity. Another aspect stemmed from his constant wariness against making trades with The Fool, as it reminded him of the examples when deals were made with evil gods and devils.

But now that he knew the so-called contents of simple general knowledge, his interest was piqued. Yet, he was unable to understand parts of the description, much less gain any actual or deep grasp of the concept. Therefore, he couldn’t hold back his urges to ask in absolute reverence, “Mr. Fool, what kind of payment do you want?”

“Yes, yes!” Justice Audrey nodded her head nearly indiscernibly but very frequently, indicating that this was something she wanted to ask as well.

Although The Sun Derrick remained silent and didn’t make any additional body gestures, the look he gave to The Fool explained everything.

Klein, who was waiting for a such a response, smiled and said, “Information regarding the Secret Order.”

“The Secret Order…” The Hanged Man Alger muttered to himself.

He wasn’t unfamiliar with this term. He had once received payment for explaining to Miss Justice about many secret organizations, including the Secret Order.

Audrey and Derrick both frowned subconsciously. The former’s only understanding of the Secret Order was limited to what The Hanged Man had described. And the latter had never even heard of such an organization.

Klein had long anticipated what The Sun would feel, but he wasn’t surprised. According to his conjecture, the area where the City of Silver was located should’ve been a part of the Third Epoch after the appearance of the first Blasphemy Slate and before the appearance of the second Blasphemy Slate. It was even possible that it was the direct catalyst or manifestation of the cataclysm. The Zaratul family had only stepped onto the stage of history in the Fourth Epoch, and the Secret Order was created in the latter half of the Fourth Epoch. There was no way both entities could’ve existed in the same period.

It would surprise Klein if the Sun were to know about the Secret Order. He would then have to overturn some of his speculations, reconstruct his knowledge of the City of Silver, the Forsaken Land of the Gods, and the Zaratul family.

After nearly twenty seconds of silence, Alger looked at The Fool in the gray fog, deliberated his words and said, “I will accept this request and help you gather information regarding the Secret Order.

“Can you make ‘payment’ in advance?”

It wasn’t surprising that a suspected deity was interested in an ancient and secret organization; therefore, Alger wasn’t puzzled about it.

More importantly, after many gatherings, he had a guess in his mind, which was that Mr. Fool’s state wasn’t perfect, that “He” might be in a predicament, that all “His” attempts and the actions of “His” adorers on the Northern and Southern Continents were to help “Him” break free from “His” confines.

This might even be related to the huge secret of why the seven deities no longer descend upon the real world after the Fourth Epoch… A thought flashed through Alger’s mind, and he shuddered as he felt himself entering the realm of the gods.

Upon hearing The Hanged Man’s request, Klein leaned back in his chair and nodded.

“No problem.

exceeds the value of the

is naturally up to the esteemed Mr. Fool to decide. If he has the ability to make the additional payment, so

sudden. She raised her hand and said, “I want to partake in

and replied,

herself into several Beyonder circles. Her access to information in the “Land of Hope” far exceeded his, considering it was his first time in the

Klein believed that the clues related to the Secret Order would appear in

Derrick listened quietly and after some thought, said, “I’m willing to use the payment I reserved and

three-way deal, he had traded the Sequence 8 Telepathist formula for Sequence 9 Bard. Klein had promised to compensate him, and his choice at the time had been to save it up and prepare for the subsequent potion

and gave an

to how High-Sequence Beyonders are exchangeable with other

Death pathway’s Sequence 5, Gatekeeper, can not only be advanced normally, but one

nor will it accumulate madness. It’s different

Sequence, a semi-deranged state

blurted out,

original path all the way. The price of switching wasn’t being semi-deranged and never to advance again. Within the 22 divine pathways, there were special circumstances and Sequences which were

in the future. It was just like being able to select something that

that’s how it is… Alger silently muttered to himself, suddenly feeling like he had understood several things at once, and he had resolved many of the doubts accumulated in

is way too valuable! As expected of Mr. Fool. So-called simple general knowledge is enough to shock and awe most Low-Sequence Beyonders

a little disappointed because he had no intention of changing Sequences. He wanted to be

he quickly recalled an incident that happened in

possibility of breaking past the limitations of Demon Hunter, had

less, until the main door of the

Silver all believed that a problem had arisen during the Chief’s advancement and that he had gone mad, to the point of being close to losing

Fool, The Sun suddenly thought of

Chief might’ve been attempting to advance in

and the mausoleum might have been a special

have the

jolted back to his senses by Miss

what other pathways are exchangeable with

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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