The Blue Avenger was like a leaf on the surface of the undulating waves of the Sonia Sea. At times, it was raised high and sometimes low from the ebbing of the waves, but there was no sign of it being at risk of capsizing.

Alger Wilson stood in the captain cabin, his back to the shelves of red and white wine, as he subconsciously paced around.

Finally, he gritted his teeth and returned to the mahogany desk with a grim expression. He removed the brass sextant, found a piece of paper and a pen, and leaned over to draw the complex, mysterious symbol given to him by The Fool.

With a Seafarer’s memory, Alger quickly completed the first step of the sacrificial ritual.

Then, he opened the drawer and took out a candle. He set up the ritual according to the dualism principles and placed a candle above the symbol that was formed by the combination of the Pupil-less Eye and the partial contorted lines. One candle was placed in the middle that represented the person making the sacrifice.

After cleaning up all the items on the table, Alger condensed pure water in the palm of his hand and wiped the altar clean. He then used the silver dagger from the ceremony to create a sealing wall that surrounded his desk.

After doing all this, he used his spirituality to light up the two candles and retreated a few steps under the dim light.

Taking a deep breath, Alger lowered his head and recited in ancient Hermes,

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era,

“You are the mysterious ruler above the gray fog;

“You are the King of Yellow and Black who wields good luck.

“Your devoted servant prays for your attention,

“I pray for you to take his offerings.

“I pray for you to open the gates to your Kingdom.”

This ancient incantation reverberated within the wall of spirituality, stirring up spiraling gales as they swept forth with the force of nature.

It was the oldest sacrificial language created by human Beyonders, and it contained many mysteries itself. However, it lacked sufficient protection for the user.

Bearing with the pain that was akin to having knives slicing across his skin, Alger took out a small dark brown glass bottle from his pocket, unscrewed the lid, and poured out a lot of sesame-shaped granules.

These granules swirled with a metallic luster and exuded an indescribable sense of beauty.

Alger scattered these granules into the wind.


The gale grew stronger but was no longer tempestuous. It was dyed in two separate colors—silver and black.

they continued to collide and mix, the two differently-colored winds were infused into the candle flame that symbolized The Fool, burgeoning and

witnessed the appearance of the hazy door behind his high-back chair. He could feel the spirituality in the air that was

premonition and immediately spread out his


sounds, the blurry door

was deep darkness formed from an innumerable number of almost invisible shadows. They were lustrous splendors encompassing massive amounts of knowledge. Situated above them was the thick

scene caused Alger to involuntarily tremble. It was a deep

he had long prepared. He held it with both hands, and, with his head bowed, he raised the palm-sized object which was constantly changing in color and had

force. He lost the slight

head until he heard the deep voice of The Fool

“You did well.”

Alger answered without

had disappeared. The gale had stopped, and the candle flames had

expression and said to himself silently, In the beginning, only people could be pulled into the world above the gray fog… After a while, responses could be made by listening to prayers… Now, sacrifices

conclusion frightened and worried Alger, but he also felt

Club — one of

fog, Klein was playing with the pituitary gland of the

tingling sensation came from his palm, and a strong sense of accomplishment filled his heart, causing him to

the Tarot Club will become even more miraculous… After reflecting over the situation, Klein extended his spirituality and sent his will to

would restlessly flip through the books by her bed and from time to time, scrutinize herself in the mirror

sacrificial ritual, but she was also

on, take a deep breath… Or perhaps, I should go tease the dog? However, Susie can talk and think, so she’s an entity with her own dignity. I can’t just casually tease her… Audrey’s mind wandered, her hand unconsciously wringing an ornate doll dressed

suddenly appeared before her eyes, and in the depths of the fog, there was a

smile, “Miss Justice, the attempt was successful. Have you prepared the

role in this matter. She held back her excitement and said, “Yes, I always

materials could be considered to contain spirituality. She had merely moved them from the

do you plan

is based on the premise that there are no Beyonders

at the tightly-shut door, feeling a small tug

can do it

Klein tersely acknowledged.

ritual’s process is the same as I described previously. All you need to

servant prays for

to open

pray for you to give me

to this, use the dualism

urge to nod,

illusory than the starry sky appeared, Audrey felt intoxicated in both body

I’ve always been pursuing. This is the kind of feeling I’ve always wanted!

Fool, it’s worship.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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