Cherwood Borough. 15 Minsk Street.

A satiated Klein sat in a reclining chair in the living room, beside a fireplace burning with charcoal.

In a warm environment akin to summer, Klein wore a white shirt, a black vest, and thin trousers, while having a newspaper spread open in front of him as he flipped through the section with the most ads.

A new type of transportation vehicle is in urgent need for investments. Details to be discussed in person… Klein read the advertisement twice before picking up a pencil from a small, dark red table to his side and circled the message.

If there were no commissions tomorrow or the day after, he planned on seeing if this so-called new type of transportation vehicle had any investment value—such matters were impossible to divine since there was a lack of sufficient information.

I hope it’s a product similar to a bicycle… Klein mumbled to himself before suddenly hearing an illusory prayer echo in his ears.

Who is it? Miss Justice? Mr. Hanged Man? The Sun? Or some clerk at the Backlund Bank is copying my passcode? Thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind as he put down the newspaper, returned to his bedroom, and locked the door behind him.

Taking four steps counterclockwise, he entered the world above the gray fog. He saw that to the side of The Fool’s seat and by the edge of the ancient mottled bronze table was a clear and bright brilliance that emitted waves of radiance.

The experienced Klein calmly sat down and emanated his spirituality, touching the light ripples of light in response to the prayer.

The scene in front of his eyes suddenly changed. It was a blurry sofa with a petite woman in a knight’s trainee uniform curled up on it.

She’s not copying my passcode… She’s reading a piece of paper… Klein suddenly realized the reason for this.

She should be one of the two Beyonders that Miss Justice mentioned that requires my vetting…

After nearly twenty seconds of silence, Klein didn’t give any form of formal response. He planned on taking the next step deep at night. He would then test her reaction, attitude, and way of handling things to test her personality and abilities.

Of course, he would absolutely not force others to join the Tarot Club.

“The Fool that doesn’t belong to this era…” Xio, who had just finished chanting the ancient Hermes sentence, froze for a few seconds. Then, she suddenly straightened her back and sat up straight.

This seems to be the honorary name of a hidden existence! She realized this in horror.

Furthermore, her knowledge in mysticism and the various rumors she had heard told her that once someone recited the full honorary name of a hidden existence, it would often attract the attention of said existence!

The consequences of such attention was mostly misfortune or could even be described as tragic!

Quite a few of those hidden beings were the incarnations of the evil gods and devils!

Furthermore, I recited it in ancient Hermes, completely unprotected… I’m so dumb. Why did I focus so much effort in identifying the sentence and actually read it in my head… Xio looked around in horror, terrified that an indescribable monster would suddenly appear in her house.

The sofa, tea table, cupboard, dining table, chairs, oil painting, and other items were all reflected in her eyes, without any changes.

nearly a minute of heightened vigilance, Xio relaxed a little and comforted herself, “Don’t worry, don’t be afraid. I just said the honorable name and didn’t follow

is an incomplete ceremony, so

owner of the paper based on the special symbols left behind

the evil gods and devils generate interest, they would still provide a response even if the ceremony is incomplete… I’m so stupid, really… As she thought over

she slowly exhaled as she puffed out

Loen Kingdom’s Aristocracy” as she entered the bathroom with a heavy


Xio hunched her back and reached out her palms to cup

onto her face, she spotted a long, slightly curly brown hair in the

had shoulder-length,

hair stood

her hands, she shot backwards, turning her body halfway around


party to let out a familiar scream before falling to the

any subsequent actions and looked at her good friend who was hugging

corner of her mouth twitched without her realizing it as she said, “Fors,

over the pain. As she slowly stood up, using the wall as a support, she grumbled, “I j-just got back. Xio, are you nuts!? Why did you

did you come in

Why? Is there a problem? As an Apprentice, it’s normal to not bring a

and pushed

you go through the door? You really gave me a fright just

to make one big round. That’s too troublesome; I’m used to walking in a straight

paused as she asked suspiciously, “However, wasn’t

for three seconds, choosing between losing her dignity or losing her

belly as she felt puzzled

had discovered the interlayer in the book’s cover and found an old piece of paper in it.

be fine. The ceremony wasn’t complete, and who knows if it’s real

back to the living room and saw the yellowed sheet of paper, as well as Roselle’s special

and said, “It’s not any of the evil gods, devils, and secret existences that I know

happened up till now. That means that everything

course, if something

let’s sleep together tonight. Forget it,

to worry about it. Think about it, I hear

study the other three books. If there’s the same piece of paper and the same incantation, it means that it’s

other books and checked them carefully, but

Fors, who looked back at her, turning the mood

sneak into Saint Samuel Cathedral’s nave tonight?” Xio came

of the Church of the Evernight Goddess in the

the Evernight Goddess will protect

the God of Steam and Machinery, which was located in the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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