Klein was in no hurry to confirm his general assumptions. He pretended that nothing had happened and turned the page so that it faced him.

The information he wrote about Ian Wright was completely true. He would still get a positive answer even if he used divination techniques to confirm. Therefore, he believed that the people under the ambassador’s charge would follow this investigations trail and gain something in return. It was unlikely that they would have the motivation to seek revenge on him for the time being.

Similarly, he would continue to spread the paper out on his desk for the military’s special department who were monitoring him. It would direct their attention away from him as they shifted their focus to Ian Wright. It would then be a race against time to find him before the ambassador.

This way, Klein would be even safer.

It feels like I’m walking on a tightrope. Is this a Clown’s special trick? He shook his head in amusement. He opened the oriel window, hoping to take in the fresh morning air, but there was thick, choking smog outside that made him quietly close the windows.

Pressing down the paper with Ian’s information with an ink bottle, Klein went to the closest bathroom and quickly washed up. He then picked up the black double-breasted suit and the half top hat that hung from the rack and walked all the way to the first floor.

He had an appointment with Lawyer Jurgen for breakfast today.

Pulling his black silver inlaid cane from the umbrella stand in the foyer, Klein walked along the edge of the street in a thick fog that provided visibility of no more than ten meters until he reached 58 Minsk Street. He rang the doorbell of the dark house.

As the clanging sound echoed, a black green-eyed cat with a raised tail suddenly appeared in his mind.

Brody the black cat walked straight to the door. After preparing itself for two seconds, it leaped up and grabbed the handle of the door.

Then, it inevitably fell and twisted the handle with its weight, and opened the door.

With a creak, the morning wind blew in, and the door slowly opened.

Brody the black cat glanced at Klein haughtily as it walked to the side.

“What a clever cat,” Klein praised as he faced the old lady, Doris, in her white apron.

Doris laughed as her wrinkles eased.

“It depends on its mood. Most of the time it acts stupid, as though it doesn’t know what you’re talking about. Oh, I’ve prepared my best bean turnip soup for you. Eat it with bread.”

Bean turnip soup… Sounds like something randomly mashed together… Klein smiled.

“I’m looking forward to it.”

The lawyer came out of the bathroom. Even at home, regardless if he had just woken up, he was dressed to the nines. His white shirt was ironed and his brownish-yellow vest was tightly fitted, the lines of his trousers appearing to be freshly ironed.

there are any omissions.” Jurgen’s blue eyes swept over. He didn’t make

was neatly combed back, and

Klein leaned his cane, took off his hat and coat, and followed Jurgen into

he read, the more his head hurt. In the end,

rather than a lump sum payment of

smiled at Jurgen, and said, “I’m satisfied. Your professional

took out two

remaining contracts, and said in a serious tone, “If an error is made during the signing, there are two extra copies. Remember to shred the remaining contracts when everything is

shredding machines was a

was about to nod his head, when Mrs. Doris suddenly shouted from the dining

deteriorated,” Jurgen explained as he invited Klein

and saw that Mrs. Doris had scooped out a spoonful of yellow and green liquid from a black

bread.” Mrs.

even more serious than before. His heart

sit, Klein broke off a piece of white bread, dipped it in the yellow-green soup,

faint salty taste had a sweet tang to it that stimulated his appetite. It also perfectly brought

Jugen said

any appetite watching you eat… Klein lampooned silently before immersing himself into the relaxed and happy feelings brought by the

he made a formal agreement and paid Leppard the first fifty pound. The second sum of thirty pounds would

was left with only 21 pounds


was almost noon, he finally saw the black-and-white photo and confirmed that it was the

recited the Intis Republic’s ambassador’s name silently. He left the library and found a small

nap. He drew the curtains, took four steps in

positive result. He

the sentence.

came into view in a world

moment, Klein saw a black shadow squirming in the crack

It arched at the center and then flattened itself, constantly repeating it as it proceeded


crawled to the top, leaving a trail of quickly evaporating

Ian Wright. Its head lifted up as the middle of its body

this moment, it was just

it for a moment, the black-iron threadworm turned the paper

it wasn’t that the infiltrator didn’t want to take revenge on me last night; he simply didn’t have the ability to do so… Unless this iron-black threadworm is highly venomous… Klein nodded in enlightenment, he then used divination and obtained confirmation that the Beyonder who manipulated the black-iron threadworm had done so

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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