Detective? A colleague… However, the fact that he’s able to assist the police in dealing with such a serious case shows that he truly is a well-known detective, at least within Sivellaus Yard… Eh, isn’t the serial killer involved in devil worship supposed to be handed over to the Nighthawks, Mandated Punishers, or the Machinery Hivemind? All the police department needs to do is send a few assistants, so why would they need to seek the help of a private detective?

Yes, the eleven serial murders must’ve caused a sensation. Sivellaus Yard is under a lot of pressure, and they aren’t willing to just wait in misery?

Many thoughts flashed through Klein’s mind, but on the surface, he revealed a smile.


He boarded Isengard Stanton’s rented carriage and saw a young man with brown hair inside.

“This is my assistant,” Isengard, who had a thin and angular face, introduced. “Please, have a seat.”

He didn’t close the carriage’s door, nor did he let the carriage driver drive the horse forward to show that he meant no harm.

Klein deliberately sat down uneasily and asked worriedly, “What would you like to talk about, Mr. Stanton?”

Isengard took out a dark pipe and said, “I want to know what you’ve learned from following Ma’am. Lopez. Did you hear or discover anything?”

“This… I’m also a detective, and you should know that we have confidentiality agreements in this business,” Klein deliberately replied as though he was in a dilemma.

“I’m asking you on behalf of Sivellaus Yard. This has nothing to do with a confidentiality agreement.” Isengard rubbed the pipe with his thumb. “A pound, um… How about two pounds?”

Having learned a lesson from the previous incident with Meursault, together with the fact that there was no need to keep it a secret, Klein replied without hesitation, “Sure.”

“Alright.” Isengard smiled and took out two one-pound notes from his pocket.

Klein acted as though he was recalling something before frankly saying, “We only heard one sentence. Ma’am. Lopez attempted to order her subordinates to tell Capim that he’s not to send anyone over in the next few days.”

“Capim?” Isengard nodded, seemingly enlightened. “Got it.”

know Capim?” Klein didn’t

a faint smile, “He’s one of

to Capim as the criminal honcho filled with blood and

over… Klein nodded, sighed, and said, “This is Loen, this is Backlund, Mr. Stanton,

polite gesture to send him off. “By the way, your fighting skills are excellent. Maybe we’ll have a chance

answered briefly and got

instruct his assistant to close the door and order the carriage driver

head to the side, he looked out of the window. The gray-haired elderly gentleman had put away his dark pipe, pulled

brass ornament was a pocket-sized open book with a vertical eye

Mr. Moriarty from just now were a bit out of place. He wore very cultured gold-rimmed glasses, but he had deliberately grown a beard around his mouth, making him look crude and barbaric. This is not quite in line with the norm. In this day and age, people who wear gold-rimmed glasses tend

to himself silently as he leaned against the wall, That Detective Isengard Stanton is problematic. Ever since I activated my Spirit Vision, he had a blue color of rational thought

focused on studying a difficult problem, it’s very difficult to maintain similar states for extended periods of time. Other emotions will inevitably appear, the difference being the issue of how long they can remain

is one such genius at observation and reasoning

gradually reined in his thoughts and cast his gaze out the window and admired the two to three-story

sign of Backlund’s latest trend and of

Iron Gate Street and got off the carriage opposite the

the bar yet, the moment he entered, he saw Kaspars drinking at

for a glass of Langsky Proof, his eyes narrowed in satisfaction as he savored the fragrance of

closer, rapped the counter, and asked with a smile, “Is Maric

time, he had one hand in his pocket as he

finished his sentence, he felt gazes sweep past him. It

the time he finished asking his question, the gazes moved away from him

scar on his face opened his eyes, and when he saw that it was Klein, he said in a bad mood, “He didn’t come. He

relief, no longer using

mentioned Maric, someone looked at me… When they heard that I was asking him for his whereabouts, the gaze shifted again… Someone is also looking for Maric… Klein resisted the urge to turn

an original doubt of his, he felt that the question now had

powerful person. In the

would be the person-in-charge of a borough or at least the number two or three.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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