In the dark underground structure, Klein walked around the hall with a raised lantern in his hand. He thoroughly checked to see if there were any other entrances. Of course, he didn’t dare enter the tunnel that led to the innermost room, and the newly gathered snakes were, once again, blown away by a biting cold wind.

After receiving confirmation, he took the initiative to retreat to the side of the gate, where he watched, along with the three zombies, as Sharron placed explosives at different locations.

“She looks very professional.” Klein sighed softly.

And without a doubt, the three zombies didn’t respond to his musings.

However, there was a reason for this. He kept using his spirituality to wrap Azik’s copper whistle so as to shield against its negative effects; otherwise, he would’ve encountered their abnormally passionate “response.”

He had no intention of bringing this ancient and exquisite copper whistle with him originally, but considering that he had to guard against the evil spirit’s manipulations, he could only sacrifice some of his spirituality.

Miss Bodyguard, no—Miss Sharron said that she’s a demolition expert, and from the looks of it, she really isn’t bragging…

Was she in this line of work in the past? Or does one of her Sequences in her Beyonder pathway make her skilled in this domain? According to the information I read back in the Nighthawks, a few candidates like Sequence 9 Criminal, Prisoner, Warrior, and Hunter, Sequence 8 Sheriff, and Sequence 7 Weapon Master and Knowledge Keeper. Heh, the latter has a nickname, Detective. It’s part of the Church of the God of Knowledge and Wisdom… As for the rest, I’m completely clueless.

I wonder which pathway Miss Sharron is. Nothing seems to match, and she even showed her ability to command the zombies…

While Klein’s thoughts wandered and made all sorts of associations, Sharron finished setting up the explosives and, in passing, lit the fuse.

In passing? Lighting the fuse? Hey, hey, hey! Why didn’t you give any warning? Only then did Klein jolt back to his senses and was startled. He quickly rushed out of the hall and entered the corridor outside.

As for the three zombies, they calmly followed behind him.

“It’s very safe here.” Sharron suddenly appeared and floated beside him.

Klein breathed a sigh of relief and asked, “Will dust fall from the tremors over here?”

“Yes,” Sharron answered with a single word.

“That’s good.” As he spoke, Klein took another step back.

The hissing sound of the fuse burning reached his ears, making him feel slightly irritated.

It wasn’t because he was afraid of the explosion that followed, but because he couldn’t feel at ease.

“One,” Sharron said suddenly.

didn’t understand


Klein’s ears buzzed, and for a moment he couldn’t hear anything

wasn’t for the fact that he was a Clown, he would’ve

Having been distracted and caught unaware, he started to cough. He saw boulders and mud rapidly falling in front of him as

tremors, Klein gripped the copper whistle given to him by

that his expedition would be safe, he didn’t dare to believe it completely, even if it was a revelation gained from above the gray fog since it involved the statues of the six orthodox gods. Therefore, he cautiously judged whether or not the evil spirit was freed with the help of Azik’s

had no abnormal changes. Completely relieved, Klein looked at

how I’m going to explain this to Old Mister Millet Carter… I didn’t waste my effort in changing

much of a commotion, it’s true that only those from the Apprentice path and Beyonders like Miss Sharron can enter in the future. By doing so, she

He silently added this sentence inwardly with a smile, but his expression didn’t

Klein led the three zombies back to the basement of the house. As

Carter was nervously pacing back and forth, looking at

Detective Moriarty and his assistants exit, he let out a long breath and asked anxiously, “What happened

snakes away, but with just a little bit of movement, it collapsed. The whole area has collapsed, but luckily we were close to the door and managed

structure was that dangerous?” Millet Carter pounded his

always only a few ancient buildings that can be preserved. The rest would’ve collapsed in the river of history,” Klein

be more collapses?” Millet

coughed twice. He then led his employer in and stopped at the entrance that was completely blocked. The walls near the hall

area.” He pointed

was silent for a few

but instead went to look for you, a professional. Otherwise, I would’ve

I’ll pay you the

did a count, and was somewhat

money; otherwise, I’d have to go to the bank,” Millet mumbled as he looked up at

don’t mind any form of money.”

the form of gold coins unless they were of huge

people of the Northern Continent had become more and

already hardly ever circulated in the market. Only some of the old gentlemen would attach a fixed box on the other end of their pocket watch chains which contained some gold in case

of mind and

clothes, he pulled out a

gold coins, and handed them together with the notes he had previously counted to

the money and suddenly flicked

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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