High probability of appearing… Klein controlled The World and made him laugh deeply.

“Yes, I really don’t have the potion formula for Wind-blessed, nor will I have the means to obtain it anytime soon.

“However, I have an incomplete formula for a Sequence 4 potion.

“Even though it’s incomplete, I think you should know its value very well. It can be exchanged for at least 10,000 gold pounds, and most of the time, you can’t even buy it with money worth several times that. This is a crucial step that will lead to a human’s qualitative change.

“So, are you interested? The spinal fluid of a Dark Patterned Black Panther is worth between 500 and 700 pounds and the Spring of the Elves marrow crystals is between 300 and 400 pounds. I believe you’ll still need to prepare an additional 9,000 pounds in cash or an item of equal value.”

Klein had long since speculated that the sequence of the Sun Sequence pathway, Unshadowed, could be swapped with the same Sequence of the Sailor and Reader pathways, and this conjecture had been indirectly confirmed by Mr. A’s request and in the information provided in Roselle’s diary. It was even suspected to extend to the Secrets Suppliant and Spectator Sequence pathways.

Therefore, he believed that the incomplete formula of Unshadowed was an irresistible temptation for The Hanged Man who was from the Sailor pathway.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have something worth 9,000 pounds for the time being, you can pay it in installments with Mr. Fool bearing witness… Klein silently added.

Currently, he was lacking the spinal fluid of a Dark Patterned Black Panther, so he didn’t mind letting The Hanged Man remain on credit. In any case, he didn’t need to worry about the possibility of him running away.

Well, there are also latent risks. I would be at a huge disadvantage if Mr. Hanged Man suddenly dies… With such an expensive deal at hand, Klein couldn’t help but feel a little apprehensive.

The incomplete formula of a Sequence 4 potion? An incomplete formula that leads to the path of a demigod? This is something that you can’t even buy with money!Audrey’s eyes lit up. She couldn’t help hiding her curiosity as she asked before The Hanged Man could speak, “Mr. World, can I ask which Sequence 4 pathway the formula pertains to? If it’s not convenient to tell me, pretend I never asked.”

Mr. World actually has a Sequence 4 potion formula. Even if it’s incomplete, it’s still very shocking… No wonder Mr. Fool pulled him into the Tarot Club! He isn’t a simple Beyonder… Well, Xio’s and Fors’s test mission has come to an end. Mr. Fool didn’t mention if he’s letting them join. Well… He must have other considerations, and maybe he needs more time to observe them. I shouldn’t take the initiative to ask since it will appear impolite… Many thoughts ran through Audrey’s mind at that moment.

Miss Justice’s question was just what Klein wanted. He made The World reply in a husky voice, “I was planning to say it anyway.

“It’s the potion formula to Sequence 4 of the Sun pathway, Unshadowed.”

The Sun pathway? Derrick instantly looked towards Mr. World, who sat at other end of the long bronze table, his eyes filled with sudden eagerness and longing.

However, he maintained his silence because he knew that he was still far from the threshold of a demigod. He had to spend his limited resources to strengthen himself first.

Only caring about the near future was the way the City of Silver operated. This was because, to its residents, there might not be any future at any moment.

nodded gracefully, then happily said,

felt like she had

muttered slowly before calmly replying, “I’m sorry.

it? Klein was taken

was completely different from the

caused The World to pause, looking incredulous. It took quite a few seconds before he said, “You can first owe a portion. With Mr. Fool as witness, I believe

no need

for it… He’s confident that he would gain the favor of the Church of the Lord of Storms and be bestowed with the corresponding potion directly? Or does he actually have the Sequence 4

Pleasure formulas with him? Klein silently mocked

secrets of

secrets of peak-level Sequences. How will you guarantee that there’s no overlap? How

Fool and let ‘Him’ decide if there’s any overlap and determine their values. Mr. Fool, is that alright?” Klein manipulated The World and

said with

slowly nodded. “I have no problems with that. Let’s

to know the secret of the peak-level Sequences… But I haven’t had any extra money lately to buy it… Audrey looked enviously at The World and The Hanged Man as they each conjured a

since she was young, she finally

Klein received the content written by the two

first looked at the goatskin parchment from The Hanged Man and discovered that the content was simple.

Sequence conceals the

information for

“It doesn’t overlap.

World is providing is of no value, but in the eyes of others,

conclusion, Alger immediately fell

small burden. He had to

it for nearly twenty seconds before saying, “Mr. Fool, can you provide more hints? I can’t make a

knew that the words he had said to

content he describes is a detailed supplement

longer. He turned his head

“I’ll help you exchange for the spinal fluid of a Dark Patterned

believe that anything could happen. If that happens, I might have to postpone it to next week,

witness, there’s no need for me to worry,”

transaction, Klein conjured a goatskin parchment in front of The Hanged

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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