Audrey had always had a subconscious understanding that a Rainbow Salamander = the Rainbow Salamander’s pituitary gland = the size of one’s palm. To her, it would be something soft with grooves, a Beyonder ingredient which constantly changed in color.

So, what did that have to do with the three-meter-long colossus in front of her?

For a moment she was confused, but when she heard Susie’s yelp, she snapped to her senses. She pretended to be satisfied with the result and said to the butler, “This is exactly the animal specimen I need.

“Um… It’s just a little bigger than I thought, just a little.

“Take the servants and move them to the warehouse. I’ll study it when I’m free.”

“Yes, Miss!” Then, the butler immediately instructed the nearby male servants who were furtively looking at their mistress.

Audrey looked around and, without another word, led Susie into the manor’s study. Using the excuse that she had to focus on writing a return letter to her brother, she made all the maids she had brought stay outside.

After the dissection is done, there will be two sets of Rainbow Salamander pituitary glands… A portion can be used to exchange for a Farsman Rabbit, just enough to concoct a bottle of the Telepathist potion… Audrey gradually recovered from her astonishment and confusion as she began to think about Susie’s advancement.

At that moment, she thought of a serious problem.

She had no idea if Susie had digested the potion or not!

If it hasn’t been completely digested, consuming the Telepathist potion would easily lead to a loss of control… She isn’t like a human who can endure through it. Wait, how did she endure it the first time!? Besides, her current intelligence is about that of a ten-year-old child’s. S-she’s already learning words in the Loen language, and she said she wishes to read newspapers and magazines, as well as books… Audrey fell silent for a few seconds. She glanced at the confused, large golden retriever that sat beside her.

“Susie, have you completely digested the potion?”

“Digest?” Susie returned with clear articulation, expressing her puzzlement.

Audrey had already told her that what she had taken was a potion, and she had warned her not to tell anyone, and not to tell any intelligent animals that could bark or meow.

Audrey nodded her head slowly and heavily.

“It’s a very strange and unique feeling. It feels like something illusory inside your body breaks down and fuses with your mind. You will vaguely see illusory stars one after another, and you will be one of them. These stars will attract each other, in a bid to fuse as one.”

Susie quietly listened to everything, then replied with a light and brisk voice, “Then I should have completely digested it. I’ve had a similar feeling before.”

Ah? Susie has completely digested the Spectator potion? B-but no one taught her the acting method! At most, I would occasionally remind her to observe more and remain calm… Audrey asked in astonishment, “When did you digest it?”

her best to recall when. Seeing that her mistress’s expression was getting odder and

when it comes to digesting potions, I’m a little better than a dog… Pui! Audrey, what are you thinking! Audrey maintained her elegant smile and politely praised, “Very good, I mean, on

Klein took a

long before he

Hanged Man or Little Sun? Is one of the final main ingredients for my potion ready? Klein carefully tried distinguishing who for a few seconds and soon, forgot about his anger from being awakened. He quickly got up, took four steps counterclockwise, and

the crimson star that symbolized The Hanged Man was contracting and expanding. Hence, he stretched out his hand, spreading

usual honorary names of The Fool, The Hanged Man prayed, “… I’ve already gathered the Dark Patterned Black Panther Spinal Fluid and the Spring of the Elves Marrow Crystals. Please permit me to hold a sacrificial ritual and seek your help in handing it to Mr.

said that there would be a grand event among the pirates soon. It seems like it’s not soon, but now… He always holds back when speaking, never fully speaking

his urge to ask Mr. Fool if the celestial globe on Admiral of Stars Cattleya had anything

this moment, Klein had already forgotten about him and was admiring the two Beyonder ingredients on the

Spinal Fluid was a seemingly translucent liquid, but if one looked carefully, they would discover that its clarity was also divided into different levels. The lower one went, the more transparent they were at

very thin, and it looked like it could easily shatter at a touch. Even

300 pounds and a formula clue… My Magician is only short of the true root and juice

them at various stores. For example, the Droplet Gem he needed to buy was purchased

he whispered a prayer to The Fool that he had prepared the true root and juice of the Mist

palm-sized, and wrinkled. It looked like an old man’s skin, but its back was as smooth and exquisite as a gem. It was slightly

light green and sparkling, making it look very

looked at them,

present day and age, Sequence 7 was

only slightly stronger than ordinary people in certain aspects. They would be able to wield a relative

Klein slowly exhaled, returned to his bedroom, and summoned himself

the kitchen a few times and began to concoct the potion according to the steps of handling the

Clown’s ability at controlling his body, he quickly finished the first stage, and one by


white fog suddenly rose and was forcefully pulled back into the pot by

down, Klein quickly poured every drop of liquid into a transparent bottle that

released from within it. Red, orange, yellow, green, and other colors constantly

was the Magician

coin worth 1 pound between his thumb and index finger of his left hand, flicked it up, and

confirm if the


its portrait faced up, indicating a positive


The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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