In Empress Borough, the opulent villa of Count Hall.

Audrey was supposed to be practicing her piano at this time, but she remained seated in front of her dressing table, thinking about how to read and memorize Roselle’s diary in the evening.

Suddenly, her surroundings became hazy, and a boundless grayish-white began to emanate.

In the middle of the gray fog, The Fool’s figure sat high above. He was listening to a man who was barely visible pray, ” … I pray for your help.

“I hope that someone can help me touch the bookmark in Roselle’s manuscript of creativity.”

How does Mr. Fool know that I’ll be visiting the Roselle Memorial Exhibition this evening after the museum is closed, and that I’ll have the opportunity of touching some items… Audrey listened in a daze. Although she was amazed, she didn’t find it odd.

With Mr. Fool’s stature and abilities, being aware of such a trivial matter is very easy!

As for how he learned of it, there was no need for ordinary Beyonders to attempt to comprehend it.

Audrey was about to reply when The Fool spoke in a low, flat voice, “You can choose to accept this request or not.”

Hmm… Audrey pondered for two seconds and said, “Respected Mr. Fool, I can try, but I can’t guarantee success.”

She wasn’t really interested in the minimum reward of 500 pounds. The reason why she had accepted the mission was that she was curious about the special nature of the bookmark left behind by Emperor Roselle, which was so important to the adorer of Mr. Fool that he offered an uncapped price.

Anyway, I was going to look through Roselle’s diary today, so it’s convenient…Audrey thought.

Amidst the fog, The Fool nodded slightly and replied with a single word, “Okay.”

When the illusion was completely gone, Audrey turned her gaze to the dressing mirror and seemed to examine herself closely.

Feeling both nervous and excited, she began to make plans for the evening operation.

I cannot let them notice anything unusual.

Even if Mr. Fool’s adorer does take any action later, I cannot become a suspect.

It’s definitely not okay to only touch that bookmark. The moment it’s lost, all eyes will be focused on me.

Yes… So, I need to show equal interest in all the other objects. I cannot let others notice that my main goal is that bookmark. The entire process has to be fluid, nothing sudden, and it has to be reasonable and logical.

How should I cause inconspicuous damage?

It’s just a bookmark…

fell on an open jewelry box and focused on a pair of gemstone

bit by bit, as her eyebrows and eyes slightly curved as she

evening. Backlund, that hardly ever saw the sun during the current season,

sent off the last batch of ordinary visitors, it received a group of visitors

Hivemind’s West Borough squad, Max Livermore, was responsible for guarding the memorial. He had no choice but to disguise himself as

he wore a monocle, making his

as well as ghosts and shadows. There was no need to fear Beyonders who used these usually difficult to

significant disadvantage. It could easily attract monsters like wraiths and shadows to the vicinity. If it was worn for a long time, one’s vision would suffer

the gloom of Backlund, she’s like the bright sun… At that moment, Max was looking admiringly at the blonde girl

great interest at the toilet which was gold-plated and engraved with intricate patterns. She asked the guide beside her,

of filth being all over the streets of Trier.” The guide originally wanted

and asked,

Glaint asked with

about this? No matter how old

aristocratic children who were on good

glory of

to fulfill the request of Mr. Fool’s adorer, I wouldn’t want to do this either… She sighed

only reflected in firearms and other weapons that have changed the form of war,

it can still be used

after receiving a nod of confirmation, continued, “You can touch it, and you may

as the security guard opened the glass wall. She hurriedly took two steps forward, reached out her right hand, which was covered

back and said with a smile, “Alright, let’s keep it at that. I’ve satisfied my curiosity. I

was that of a naive and

reading this, they entered the exhibition

Audrey asked again, “Can I look through this notebook?

mere contact with air after a certain period of time, let alone having them touched.

her beautiful gem-like eyes express sincerity and desire, together with a little

Max Livermore again and waited for his reply before

the paper look the same as if it was produced only a few years ago. Furthermore, even without this method, we will try our best

but not for too

up all of a sudden, making

guide, she, Viscount Glaint, and the other mysticism enthusiasts had the glass cover removed as

memorize, but due to the complexity of the symbols, her ability

pages of content. I wonder if there’s any way to make a copy of it… Her thoughts wandered as she gave her spot to

closer look at something in each of the exhibition halls, which was

they arrived at the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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