The wheels of the carriage pressed down on the track as the horses dragged it along. The heavy carriage steadily advanced, and soon, they were moving away from the street as though nothing had happened.

With a normal expression, Klein held onto his cane and waited until the tracked public carriage passed two stations before he got off ahead of time. He took a large detour and slowly headed back to the place where the gigantic Devil dog had been killed.

He wasn’t looking for its Beyonder characteristics, as it was impossible for the top experts of the Church to not know about this matter. They would’ve definitely taken it away long ago. He also wasn’t investigating the source of that slight snort. After all, with so much time having passed by, the carriages moving on the streets, and the people that were coming and going, how could there be any clues left behind? Even divination would fail to obtain an answer.

Klein’s purpose was to look at the subtle details that remained along the street, and to see the nature of the Sealed Artifact that had created the strange environment for the battle, so as to prepare for what might happen in the future.

This is a Magician’s acting… He sighed silently as he walked under the gray sky, along the edge of the street which was marked by the gas lamps.

The reason why he had to wait two stops before getting off and taking a detour, was because he was worried that there would be an official Beyonder who would sweep the battlefield in secret. He didn’t want to meet them, so he tried his best not to.

Klein, who was dressed decently and holding onto a cane, took some time before he returned to the huge Devil dog’s place of death. However, there were no traces of its presence on the street, and the passersby clearly didn’t know that a fierce Beyonder battle had taken place here.

That Sealed Artifact is really magical. It’s even more powerful than large-scale hypnosis. Klein activated his Spirit Vision and slowed his footsteps, like a gentleman on an outing rather than on an errand.

It took him over half an hour to complete his tour of the area, but his efforts with his Spirit Vision was futile. There was nothing out of the ordinary about his target area.

However, Klein’s spiritual perception sensed one thing: its scope and its boundaries.

When I entered the block and left from another direction, I felt a subtle and illusory feeling, as if I entered a different world from another world. That is to say, the Sealed Artifact’s scope of influence can reach at least one block, and its upper limit is temporarily unclear. Klein stood outside the target street, and nodded thoughtfully before returning. He went to a decent cafe, ordered a cup of Southville coffee, and sat down by the window.

As he drank the fluid with a rich aroma, he observed the street outside, which was beginning to bustle as time passed by, hoping to see any changes.

Unfortunately, what he had been looking forward to didn’t happen.

Of course, he wasn’t without gains. At the very least, he confirmed that a Magician “never performed unprepared,” which was one of the rules of acting.

He felt that the characteristics of the subtle precipitate in his body stirred a little.

In the evening, Klein stopped his observations and returned to Minsk Street in a public carriage.

At this moment, the gas lamps on both sides of the road had already been lit, illuminating the slightly wet cement ground with withered leaves that fell from the trees along the road with a blue hue.

Holding his cane, Klein strolled past the house of Lawyer Jurgen and strolled to Unit 15.

As he was walking, he suddenly thought of something. He had finished all the ingredients at home. If he went back now, he wouldn’t be able to cook dinner!

Uh, should I go to the meat shop and fruit shop, or find a restaurant to fill my stomach first? Klein hesitated for a moment, he then finally decided to take a break tonight and eat something ready-made.

this world were made quite simply and very quickly, so it didn’t become a situation where an hour was spent cooking for five minutes of eating. However, there was still a certain amount of work to be done. Furthermore, he had to wash the dishes

turned around and walked in the direction of the area, where according to his

the house of

the “confused” expression Detective Moriarty had, Jurgen raised his voice and said, “Mr. Moriarty, did… I mean, did you

replied with a chuckle, “No, not

solemnly nodded

you come to my

completely dark

Klein hesitated for a

will be my

was licking his paws in a corner. Jurgen didn’t make much small talk as he stepped

up his coat and hat and put away his black cane, he stepped into the dining room and saw that the table was already covered with food—blackened steaks and

wasn’t surprised by this. This was how Mrs. Doris, Lawyer Jurgen’s grandmother, cooked in her old age. The food didn’t look appetizing, but they

a good chef… Klein sat in front

you about to have

a habit of mine to look at the scenery outside before my meal. It allows my thoughts to spread

in puzzlement and

problems are back,

God bless her.” Klein drew the triangular Sacred Emblem of the Church of the

piece of steak and forked it before

suddenly thought of a problem and hurriedly asked, “So, you

course. It was done a few minutes ago,” Jurgen

the great chef, Mrs. Doris, then this food… The corner of Klein’s mouth twitched. He held back the fear in his heart and still bit down on the small piece of steak on his silver

He squeezed a smile as he asked, “Why did

to the hospital for my

Klein secretly took a deep breath and steeled himself as though

solicitor put down his fork and knife,

dish do you like

gap between my skills and my grandmother’s, but

your sense of taste besides facial myopathy… Can’t you realize your standards? Klein smiled, moved his

bought from Dodge bakery.” Jurgen reburied his head and finished the

drinking the remaining wine, he thought for a moment and said, “Detective Moriarty, I want to

Klein kept drinking


the black cat. “I want you to feed Brody when I’m not back, clean up his litter box, and play with him for

He smiled and said, “It’s a simple task.

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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