Help? Klein repeated the word silently and was momentarily a little stumped.

Back when Sharron had taken on the mission of protecting him for three days, it was mostly because of the money. For a Sequence 5 expert to be willing to take on such a mission was, in itself, a low probability. It could be chanced upon, but it wasn’t something that could be forced. Furthermore, back then, Klein was desperately trying to save himself and was so frantic that he wasn’t willing to give up any sliver of hope. As such, he still felt very grateful for being able to receive the help of such a powerful Beyonder, even if it was because of the money.

However, that was all. He wouldn’t recklessly interfere in an unknown, dangerous situation in complete disregard of his own strength and circumstances for the sake of the other party.

Klein’s original plan was that the mysticism knowledge from Little Sun could basically be verified as belonging to the pre-Cataclysm era. At that time, the ancient gods who wielded power and the current seven gods and evil gods didn’t seem to have any overlap with each other, so it was possible that the two mysticism systems were definitely hugely different. So, even if he knew the details, he didn’t dare to carelessly try it out. He had to receive indirect verification in order to know which ones could still be used and which ones didn’t have any effect.

It was just like the sacrificial ritual from before. Klein had already figured out the procedure from The Sun, but he waited for Mr. Azik’s reply before he dared to conduct the experiment. It was to prevent anything unexpected from happening.

As for The Hanged Man, he was at the rank of bishop or captain of the Church of the Lord of Storms, so he definitely possessed quite a bit of mysticism knowledge as well. However, the problem was that this was too orthodox and too involved with the Lord of Storm’s domain; thereby, making it not necessarily suitable for Klein to use. Not all rituals could be performed by asking oneself for help, and he had to consider the spirituality burden he had to bear by praying to himself.

With these factors in mind, Klein turned his attention to the former members of a secret organization, Sharron and Maric. The knowledge they possessed was more suitable for wild Beyonders to use as a reference. There were also quite a few unorthodox and strange ones that were effective.

Of course, this wasn’t to say that he would give up on exchanging information with The Sun and The Hanged Man. By having knowledge from ancient times, orthodox knowledge, and secret and unorthodox knowledge, it would result in him being more all-rounded, giving him a deeper understanding of mysticism!

And that was exactly what Klein wanted.

He had never forgotten that his ultimate goal was to return to Earth, so the more mysticism knowledge he had, the better. The more comprehensive, the better; the deeper the knowledge was, the better it was!

Of course, the premise of pursuing this goal is to get rid of Ince Zangwill, and avenge myself and the Captain… Klein looked at Sharron and Maric and said with the corners of his mouth curled up, “I need to know what kind of help you need from me before I can consider agreeing.

“I won’t, nor is it possible for me to joke about my life.”

Sharron, who was wearing a small black hat, nodded slightly and acknowledged Klein’s words.

Maric, who was seated on the other side, leaned forward and put his fist to his mouth.

“We originally belonged to a rather old and secretive organization.”

That I can guess… Klein maintained a serious and stoic expression.

forming the Southern Continent’s Highlands Kingdom and Paz Kingdom. However, I’m only talking about it taking shape. This organization’s

of Thought, isn’t it… It’s traceable back to the time

an evil god, and they believe that magic is a science and art that changes according to one’s will to change things. This requires the establishment of a religious ritual system, including law and order. Yes, before the invasion of the Northern Continent, they were an orthodox organization in the Paz Valley and the

from various desires. Combined with Beyonder powers, they were able to accomplish all sorts

of people and using the skulls of children as ritual objects, letting a large number of believers fervently release

in the way that

of Thought was famous for its bloody sacrifices,

ethereal voice, “The way they do it

to repress and

was the cage of the heart,

Prisoner, Miss Sharron’s and Maric’s philosophy is clearly more suited to the needs of the acting method. Why couldn’t the other members notice this? That’s not right… He

indulging in their desires would help to strengthen their own willpower. When many people let their hair loose, they would also affect each other, adding

just like the flames and magma underground. Only at a

own pathway’s requirements. It feels like something is

the dead man in the alley end up involved in

involved. He got himself involved because of something else,” Maric

Feysac, Feynapotter, Lenburg, Masin, and other countries… In other words, you have a reason not to

I don’t know any powerful Beyonders. There’s no

obtaining the potion formulas for Sequence 7, 6, and 5 of the Seer pathway and killing Lanevus, Klein actually didn’t have to stay in

no hope of success within a short period of time. He didn’t even dare to approach it, so it wasn’t impossible to leave Backlund. At

because there were a lot of Beyonders here. There were also many resources and ingredients that appeared here. It made it one of the most convenient places to advance his Sequence. It suited the revelation of his

I’ll have to head out to sea and look for a mermaid… This thought suddenly flashed

replied calmly,


strength, that organization only sent one Sequence 5 Beyonder to

common characteristic of a cult

Sharron answered calmly, her face pale but her expression delicate. “The person in charge of this matter is indeed

like we only have Backlund as our only base. If we can kill the person in charge of the nearby boroughs and take away that Sealed Artifact,

Klein tersely acknowledged.

do you think I

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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