Fors flipped through the calendar on her desk and used a pen to mark the date of the upcoming full moon.

She had decided that, as soon as she heard that horrible, illusory raving, she would chant the name of The Fool and pass the painful minutes above the gray fog.

Life is truly filled with things to look forward to… She closed the novel in her hands, ready to turn off the iron grille gas lamp that was set into the wall.

At that moment, a flash appeared in front of Fors’s eyes. She saw the boundless gray fog and a lofty figure that resided in a majestic ancient palace, as well as a man who was praying devoutly.

When the voice reached her ears, she almost jumped, feeling both alarmed and joyful.

The Trickmaster formula that I’ve been arduously searching for all these years has been found just like that?

I participated in so many different Beyonder gatherings and failed to find any clues to the Trickmaster formula; yet, it has been found just like that?

And not even a week has passed since I made the request!

Th-this is the Tarot Club… As expected, it’s not something ordinary Beyonder gatherings can compare with! Fors sighed with emotion, and endured her excitement and joy as she cautiously responded, “Mr. Fool, is that formula authentic?”

“Yes.” The Fool, who was sitting on the high back chair and looking down, replied calmly.

Fors suddenly clenched her fist and secretly pumped it by her waist twice. Almost without any hesitation, she asked, “That was Mr. World, right?

“Please tell him that I will find what he needs as soon as possible.”

When the gray fog dissipated and everything was over, Fors remained stunned for two seconds. She couldn’t suppress her excitement as she stood up to pace back and forth in her room.

The Sun’s domain, items that are good at purification and exorcism… I encountered them only twice in the past. But they were bought by others. They might not be willing to offer them again… Yes, back at Mr. A’s gathering, Xio had hired a devotee of the Eternal Blazing Sun to perform a purification and exorcism ritual. He’s at least Sequence 7, and he should have the relevant items. Or perhaps, he grasps key clues to them… I just wonder how much it’ll cost. Although Mr. World promises to pay the difference, I might not be able to come up with the amount needed for the initial payment… Fors’s thoughts gradually shifted to her financial situation.

She now had 370 pounds in cash, mainly earned from what Viscount Glaint had paid for the Apothecary formula. She also had 510 pounds in her bank account, which added up to nearly 900 pounds.

As for something similar, it can go as high as 2,000 pounds, while the cheapest might cost from 500 to 600 pounds; yet, it might not necessarily be the kind of item that Mr. World needs… What if I run into a suitable item but don’t have enough money? Get a loan from the bank, or a loan from an usury with a higher interest rate? As long as all goes well, then when Mr. World pays the difference, my debt will easily be repaid… Maybe I could borrow from Miss Audrey for a few days. She usually never cares about money, so she will definitely not collect any interest… Fors quickly came up with a solution.

Just then, Xio, who had gone to somewhere secluded at night to practice her combat skills, returned to their rented two bedroom apartment. Seeing that the lights were still on in her room, she knocked on the door and asked, “Are you pulling an all-nighter to write the beginning of your new book?

“Eh, Fors, you seem really happy. Did the publisher increase your rates?”

“No, no, no.” Fors was slightly taken aback before she forced a smile. “I just received a piece of information that’s suspected to be a clue to the Trickmaster potion formula.”

paid off!” Xio totally

happy for her, Fors couldn’t help

a secret organization. From that moment forth, I’ve taken on a fate that requires me to

this the price—one out of many—to be

visited Inventor Leppard

to be patented, he only paid the last twenty pounds and exhorted Leppard not to rush to talk about subsequent investments and partnerships until he

this, Leppard was very agreeable. He had been tricked twice before for the same reason—before getting a patent, once the potential investors who he had made contact with had fully understood his product, he was kicked aside to watch as the potential

arrived at Isengard Stanton’s place in Hillston Borough at the appointed

for the serial murder were going to

and into the activity room, Klein saw the two detectives he was more familiar with, Kaslana and Stuart, and sat down next to

protecting Adol. Of course, I didn’t do much, so what I can

Klein guessed with interest.

high as a few hundred pounds, and even the lowest wouldn’t be less than

the higher end of the split… If Isengard Stanton’s words were as credible as

while carrying his signature pipe. As the fireplace burned, he

back from the Backlund police station. They acknowledged our contribution, and they think we’ve

participate in the subsequent capture, we can still obtain half

other words, we’ll split a

zero expenses—not eating or drinking, and even resorting to sleeping on the streets—for four or five years to

relaxed. Everyone was filled with anticipation about the

no exception as he guessed

be at least a hundred pounds,

pipe, narrowed his eyes, and said in a satisfied tone, “Everyone, thank you

ideas and train of thoughts that he provided us had allowed us to find more clues and put us on the right track. He’s

can bear testament to this. I still have a few letters from Detective

fair… He actually didn’t list himself as the biggest contributor… Klein turned to

wonder that he has such authority in

“I declare that Detective Sherlock Moriarty will be awarded

activity room broke out into

time they looked up at Klein, as if they finally recognized this brilliant detective

man, a just man…

their respective contributions. Even the lowest received 15 pounds, equivalent to three or four weeks of their usual earnings. This was the benefit of handling a major case with a

only done two days of observation. Furthermore, the subject he observed ended up

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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