A faint golden stream of light flashed past, hitting what seemed like an empty space.

However, resplendent flames suddenly rose up from that spot, rapidly forming a silhouette who was wearing a black tuxedo and a dark red cloak.

The figure’s left arm was burning with holy and pure flames as it continuously emitted faint black and green smoke, illuminating his pale face in dark green glow.

It was a man in his forties with oily hair that was neatly combed with meticulous attention. His eyes were dark and green, and while possessing no emotion, there were no signs of pain!

Wraith Steve!

He turned his head and looked maliciously at Klein, who was at the top of the warehouse.

Klein was startled as he felt his body suddenly turn cold. Even the heat brought by the Sun Brooch couldn’t counteract it.

His body stiffened quickly, and his eyes glazed over. His pupils reflected the same two figures: a black tuxedo, a dark red cloak, a head of hair slathered with oil, a pair of dark green eyes, and the pale face of a man in his forties!

Almost in an instant, Klein was placed under Steve’s control, his thoughts gradually numbing.

This was the ability of a Sequence 5 Wraith!

It was a strange and hardly defensible ability!

Fortunately, he was adequately aware of everything beforehand and was already prepared for it. Moreover, the exorcism effect could effectively resist the possession of evil spiritual beings, so before his ability to think had completely disappeared, he stimulated the spirituality of his Spirit Body and injected it into the dark golden Sunbird brooch.

Just as he was about to raise his hand to grab hold of his neck, a warm and pure ray of light suddenly descended from the sky.

It was like a pillar of light from the Sun, bringing with it a feeling of brilliance and holy purification as it enveloped Klein within.

It was a spell from the Sun domain, Holy Light Summoning!

Amidst the holy light, the formless possession ability was weakened, and Klein’s eyes suddenly regained their luster.

In close succession, his body ignited, becoming brittle and charred, leaving behind a thin piece of paper.

At the same time, between the gaps of the two warehouses, Klein, in his double-breasted frock coat and matching silk half top hat, jumped out of the roaring flames from the previous explosion.

His cane had been thrown away somewhere long ago, and the same figure floating above his head had also been successfully destroyed by the flames. It turned into pieces of ashes and scattered in every direction.

Before Klein could confirm his situation, he felt an invisible grip on his ankle.

There was a firm grip on his calves, arms, chest, and clothes!

In his Spirit Vision which had long been activated, Klein saw blurry, transparent figures. Some of them were incomplete, some were covered in blood, some of them had burnt black skin, and others were pale and cold.

Phew… A cold wind of unknown origins blew at his neck, making his hair stand on end and made his body tremble uncontrollably.


sun, and because

was the “Fire of

Klein shrieked silently and vanished, and the cold wind at the back of

in this environment, couldn’t

though he had prepared ahead of time and had obtained items to counter his opponent, a one on one battle with a Sequence 5 Wraith

Maric, the dark red-cloaked Steve’s figure turned slightly incorporeal. The bright flames on his left arm were quickly extinguished under the onslaught of the black

with malice and desire.

the earth to surround Werewolf Tyre. He created slippery layers of ice

emitting crimson light as he ran without stopping. When


six pieces. The long

Tyre froze for a moment,

the augmentation that the Scarlet Lunar Corona

felt that he had mastered some

and turned to face the pale

mysterious door. His body was covered with dark-green vines that had protruded from the faces of the babies. He was being

the crack of the bronze door as he

was the final resting


which was controlled by bloodlust and the desire to kill, shouted

about to counterattack, stopped instantaneously. Clenching his teeth, he threw the miniature version of

to regain his strength would he be augmented, allowing the battle to come to a quick end. Only then would Jason have a chance of

seeing this, Klein’s eyes lit up,



Scarlet Lunar Corona’s trajectory, a pre-buried explosive threw up the soil, blew out



up. Klein leaped up and

right in front of the Scarlet Lunar Corona’s landing spot and

Steve, who had disappeared

made him chase after

Steve grabbed the Scarlet Lunar Corona. His dark green eyes, which were full of malice and desire, gained a trace

He smirked at Klein.

wasn’t in a hurry to deal with this weak opponent, so he let his figure

out, rolled twice, reached into his pocket with his left hand, and once again gently flipped open the iron cigarette case.

constantly flow, Klein saw more strange black lines, and from their origin, he caught a glimpse of

slumped to the ground weakly, at high speeds. He wanted to


hand, and with a thought, he once

2! 1!

beam of light descended from the

The Novel will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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